Love with reggae [A song in Spanish]

in #jahm5 years ago
The most sublime feeling among human beings is love.

There are many ways to manifest it, but actions are the strongest demonstrations. A gift, a message or a gesture, among others, are ways of expressing love. In communications, words, written or oral, and even silence are ways of emitting love. And, of course, the lyrics of a song can be one of the most beautiful ways to declare love; but also it is not only what the lyrics contain but the rhythm in which it is sung.

Heart Love black.JPG

Source: Pixabay with modifications

Reggae is not only sung in English, the Caribbean is also Francophone and Spanish-speaking. Therefore, many musical groups that interpret this musical genre do so in their native languages.

Reggae in Spanish has evolved immensely. The musical groups have included new sounds for this Caribbean rhythm that have allowed, according to each region or country, and according to my appreciation, musically recreate the already known roots of reggae.

Dread Mar I in the album Amor-Es (play on words, love-s) interprets the song My Love. This theme has been much appreciated for years (possibly those who read already know the song). What catches my attention, in the simple lyrics of this song, is the depth of his verses because, it is good to say, this song is a great love poem.

My Love is a song for the reunion between people who love each other. It may be a father and his son who meet again; it may be a couple of lovers who separated for a while and try again; It may be two brothers who moved in different cities and meet again. Therefore, it is not a song dedicated exclusively to the love of couples in love, but to the love between two people who manage to achieve happiness because they are together again.

Song lyrics Mi Amor in Spanish
Mi amor

cuánto tiempo te he esperado, aquí
tanto he deseado verte que hoy
me siento, feliz

Y todo lo que hagamos con el alma
será para ti y para mí
será nuestra calma

Oh! Mi amor, hoy te tengo aquí a mi lado
y mi corazón no para de latir
el efecto de tus ojos dorados

Y todo lo que hagamos con el alma
será para ti y para mí
será para nuestra calma

Y todo lo que hagamos con el alma
será para ti y para mí
será para nuestra calma

My love (Translation)
My love
How long have I waited for you, here
So much I have wished to see you today
I feel happy

And everything we do with the soul
It will be for you and me
It will be for our calm

Oh my love, today I have you here by my side
And my heart doesn't stop beating
The effect of your golden eyes

And everything we do with the soul
It will be for you and me
It will be for our calm

And everything we do with the soul
It will be for you and me
It will be for our calm

That beauty! Every word is a caress, “it will be for our calm”

Everything we do with the soul
It will be for you and me

In addition, all said with the musicality of reggae.

If you want to hear the song you can visit this video on YouTube.

Source: Channel Youtube EthixMusic

I hope you liked love with reggae, a song in Spanish, for all loves, for all time.

Welcome your comments.

Infinite greetings and until a next publication.

EquipoCardumen. Somos compañeros de viaje


You’re right about love and there has been a love that has overlapped these cultures bringing them even more well cherished now than when they stood alone

MuchasGracias :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Love is a very big feeling when it is sincere, when it is not coersitive. Love is beautiful when it is simple and shared.
That's why I like this song

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El reggae es un genero musical de mucha conexión con lo natural. Dread Mar I excelente exponente del género.

Dread Mar I es maravilloso. He oído canciones del él en ritmo de reggae que anteriormente fueron interpretados de otra manera y el cambio sonoro es genial

Gracias por acompañarme y curar esta publicación. Un gran abrazo. Saludos infinitos @nucleo-fse

Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Inmensamente gracias @mayvileros por incluir esta publicación en el reporte de curación diaria. Saludos infinitos

I love reggae, and Bob Marley's tunes are musical treasures! The sound of the steel drums - so earthy and cheerful - just gives me a good feeling inside when I hear them. The Jamaican people are really quite nice and SO hospitable!

I also LOVE Jamaican cooking!

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