My Chess Game Collection #92. Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Graz Variation

Picture Chess 800 460.jpg

The original version of this game is posted in Hive here. The Hive version contains the PGN file

Click and watch the game in GIF file! I played with Blacks on 03/20/2020. Blacks managed to equilibrate a losing game and with movements of the Black Knight, force a resignation

board game 20200320.gif

Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Caro, Graz Variation

1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc6 3.Bb5a6 4.Ba4b5 5.Bb3Bc5 6.c3d6 7.h3Nf6 8.d3d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.O-O Be6 11.Ng5O-O 12.Nxe6fxe6 13.Qg4Qf6 14.c4Bxf2+ 15.Kh1Nde7 16.Be3Bxe3 17.Rxf6Rxf6 18.Nc3Raf8 19.Qd1Nd4 20.Qe1Nef5 21.Ne4bxc4 22.Bxc4Nc2 23.Qe2Nxa1 24.g4Ng3+ 25.Nxg3Bb6 26.Qxe5Kh8 27.Nh5Rf1+ 28.Kh2R8f2+ 29.Kg3Rf7 30.Bxe6Rg1+ 31.Kh4Bf2+ 32.Kg5 Re1 33.Qd5 Be3+ Whites resigned

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