in #cats7 years ago (edited)

I had to give these FIVE 10/11 week old kitten deworming medication. They need to take a 1/2 tablet pill now and another 1/2
two weeks later. I broke the 1/2 into two pieces to mix in their wet food. Since they have small mouths didn't work to well. Even


                       Tux, Betty, Patty and Mickey

my one tame kitty, Patty wouldn't cooperate. But Patty is so tame he let me hold him while I put the pill down his throat. One down 4 FOUR to go.
They make this product feline GREENIES/ Pill Pockets. You put the pill inside and the cat eats the medicine. It's made in two flavors, chicken and salmon.


Here is what happened/// I put just a quarter of the pill into a chicken pocket and offered to a kitten. Kitty # 2,3,4 and five wouldn't even smell it. Well I thought maybe they'll like the salmon pocket. They did smell the salmon one but would not eat it. Ok it must be they smell the medication in the pill. So I get two fresh chicken and salmon pockets to try. Same thing no interest.
Whats going on here I thought. Since I have seven adult house cats, I tested this product on them. They all smelled it, licked it and then walked away. Bingo// garbage, and that's where it went. List price for these Greenies was about $15. Money I could have used on real food. I finally managed to pill the other four kittens mixing in their wet food but took multiply times.


Here is Tina //aka Cindy as in Crawford. She is a little bit full of herself and needs her own dressing room.


Shame you had to spend so much money on these pill pockets 'smart treats' that don't work! I sympathise as giving meds has always been a nightmare in our house!

Try it with kittens that don't want to be in the same room as you..

You have to be very fit chasing them lol

Oh my gosh they are all so adorable @manorvillemike

yep, want one. hee hee

Aw, look at them...they are all so cute laying together. Man, what a waste of money for those pill pockets. Did you get my pic of JB?

You certainly have your hands full! What dedication---you deserve an award for Awesome Cat Dad!

How about an awesome soft headed jerk. lol

Nah, more like soft-hearted, and that's a good thing! Also, maybe you're just a 'sucker for a kitty-face', to paraphrase the old saying-lol

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