A Productive Way To Achieve Your Goals

in #productivity7 years ago (edited)


Hello STEEM Friends!

I know most of us have a laundry list of things to do every day.

We have to go to work. take the dogs out, pay the bills, clean the house, book that appointment.

Eventually, each day just merges into the next becoming equally forgettable.

You tell yourself you’re going to work on that side project today, but then push it off for tomorrow.
Then tomorrow comes and you say the same thing…

Eventually, a month passes by and you haven’t worked on anything.

We all have told ourselves this. We tell ourselves “oh we’ll start tomorrow”. Next thing you know, you are at the same place you were last year. So my challenge for you is to work an hour every day on a project that you have been putting aside. It could be a business you have always been wanting to start, or it could be just immersing yourself in more books. Whatever it is you have been holding back, try at least one hour a day to really make the time and do what you have been holding off. If you can’t do an hour, at least try for 30 minutes. 30 minutes of something is better than nothing.

Then after a week of doing this exercise, I challenge you to add an extra 10-15 minutes. You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

With my busy schedule, sometimes I lose track of time and wonder where the day went. So, I started to be more cognizant of what I did during my entire day. I challenged myself by creating a table of things that I wanted to accomplish every week.

Think about the small things that you can do each and every day to help you accomplish that goal. You want more followers, so you need to create more content, or you want your software business to flourish, but you work full-time, so you dedicate an hour a day to learning how to code.

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Then write them down in a list. Then, create a table like I have above. I write all the small tasks I can do on the left column and next to that column I write the days of the week. Then I write achieved, goal, and net, right next to the days columns.

In my goal column, I put how many times I want to accomplish that task in a week. So for instance, I would like to work on my side project 5 times a week.

After the end of every day, I put an “X” mark on what the tasks I completed that day. On Sundays, I then re-evaluate everything that I did that week in my journal. I write down what I accomplished, and also what I failed to accomplish and where I went wrong in managing my time. I then modify my goals based on last week’s results.

I learned this technique from The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

So my challenge for you is to work an hour every day on a project that you have been putting aside. Make the time and make it a priority! You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish, by being cognizant of how you spend your time.

Good luck!

Hope you enjoyed!
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P.S. I would love to hear how you guys did with this exercise and if it helped you in anyway (: Let me know in the comments below!

Happy goal setting!


Enjoy the vote and reward!

Small steps can be very rewarding! Starting too big isn't always the right way!

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