The Great Deflation Hoax.

in #markets4 years ago

With Central Bankers and mainstream economists around the world saying we are descending into a deflationary spiral I will try to explain to my viewers why they should not be fooled by this claim of the danger of deflation.

We will look at the basics and definitions past and present of inflation and deflation to see how the general public and investors have been fooled by the powers that be to believe that the danger we face is deflation.

My conclusion is that unless governments start paying off their debts or our current fiat currency debt-based system completely implodes the chances of seeing deflation are non-existent.

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Bankers and Big corporations can spend money as soon as they receive it. But Consumers receive money with much delay because the money velocity is very low especially in these days. That's one of the reason why they are insensitive to inflation.

Another terrible situation I see is the Finance YouTubers are parroting the same mainstream narrative as well. Just take a look at what people like Graham Stephan is parroting inflation as a good thing and savings as a bad thing. Just read the title "STOP SAVING MONEY | The NEW Economic Threat"

They are not necessarily bad people or people with some agenda. They are simply miseducated and there are millions of people who get fed this bad economics on YouTube and other social media platforms.

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