A Fundamental and Technical Look at the Dollar and the Precious Metals.

in #market7 years ago

In this report I cover the long term and short term fundamental and technical out look for the dollar, gold and silver.


Great informative video @maneco64 I agree with you silver and gold are a must have for all portfolios moving ahead in the future and yes the US economy isnt in the great health as The Fed would like to make people think but they have to try to maintain the peoples confidence in order to keep their game going.

Thanks @maneco64. It would be great to see gold recover. Cryptos seem to have been cleaned out yesterday. I think unless they sort out the potential fork in bitcoin over segwit changes, there will be now value gains in the next 30 days.

Really appreciate your excellent ongoing commentary on our current economic disneyland scenario. You covered the interesting yen-gold correlation... please note that Abenomics may now be in trouble - Abe's political support is crumbling... will this be where FEDisneyland begins to fall apart? Rising yen would sink the dollar, and push gold up, perhaps beyond bankers' abilities to hammer it down with paper derivatives... unraveling of idiotic levels of derivative trading could turn into an avalanche to bury Janet et al... Yellin' to the end "There will not be a collapse in my lifetime." Paper puppets headed for the wastebasket of history... their words not worth the paper they're printed on... their fiat notes worthless as toilet paper... where in Hell is any plan for a "RESET" gonna come from? Of course, the present idiots running the Disney Show cannot be allowed to do it. P'raps we'll need another Dark Age to digest the total collapse of western civilization? Gold & silver were certainly the coins to have in the dark ages... people in those times would've scoffed at paper notes... and personally I have serious doubts about current experiments with digital currencies. A major solar flare could take out power supplies, and fry digital systems... then what ya gonna do to recover the strings (blockchains) of digital bleeps? Blockchains suggest "balls & chains" and methinks governments will either control them for their own centralized use, or at least control access points, exchanges, markets and internet access which is required to use those monetary bleeps. Otherwise, the neo-feudal elite plan a NWO with RFID or similar technogizmockery so that people "cannot buy or sell without the mark of The Beast in their foreheads or right hands." Is that where we're headin'? IF so then gold, silver, flipcoin may not be of much use, if at all... if we gotta run to the hills (freshwater is basic necessity) better not be weighed down with metals... or trying to keep a connection to a controlled internet...

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