Why do people find it difficult to invest??

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Growing up, I was thought of the several method and usefulness why we must let our money work for ourselves.

Though some of these method have later gone outdated while some are still pretty much alive till today well maybe thanks to technology for us.


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One of the major reason which I have truly noticed why the wealth of some rich people keep going up is not because they literally have the way but because they have mastered the way of letting their money work for them.

And one of the method which you can let your money to work for you is by investment.

As a person aspiring to be Financially okay, just know that one of the ways to boost your financial status is by your investment.
Hear me, investment is different than saving. That you are saving doesn't mean you are investing.

But that's not where I am going to today, where I am actually going to is why do some people find it actually hard to invest.

Even after been enlighten about the importance attached to investment, what they will gain and what it will help and do in their financial status, some still find it hard to invest

I find it hard to believe and reason why some people still even find it hard to invest even after so much believing that they can still see potential in reaping from it.

I will be waiting for your contribution in the comment section below....

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 4 years ago 

Dear @mandate

Interesting choice of topic.

I think we all heard saying "let money work for you", however it seem to me that not many people do understand it well. I used to think that I do and now (years later) I see know little did I know.

I invested my time, energy and money in several different projects within past years. And I feel that I failed more often than succeded. At least initially. Right now experience and patience is helping me to make right financial decisions and it helps me to control our huge enemy: greed.

investment is different than saving. That you are saving doesn't mean you are investing.

TRUE. Now my question is: do you personally consider purchasing bitcoin an investment or saving? I see this asset as a way to protect and store my wealth, so I would say it's a saving. But many would argue that it's an investment. What do you say?

And why people fear investing? I wish to know that myself lol :)

Have a great weekend buddy,
Yours, Piotr

Yea. I think not everybody actually understand letting money work for them . Perhaps they were brought up with this mentality that they must work for money in order to gain the money. .

That's good to hear. I believe the series of failure you encounter now has shaped you in taking much more better decision than before which is just great to hear also.

I will say bitcoin is a investment. It has much more potential of yielding profit or income due to the appreciation in the value of the coin which is what favour investment definition.

I will say it's an investment also.

Thanks for stopping by.


I don't think people are afraid of investing, they are just afraid of loosing fund. We are all afraid of the unknown. If I knows that after 3 years of investing in Btc it will rise up to this amount, I will gladly embrace it. Investment is not bad but truth be told the uncertainty is what is shying us away from investment.

Perfectly said. I think that uncertainty is what is depriving many people to utlise some of the golden opportunities and which they are missing out

“One of the major reason...why the wealth of some rich people keep going up is...they have mastered the way of letting their money work for them.”

I think this is spot-on. Investing is just pooling money into productive activities. Not only do people become wealthy from investments, but that's how modern economies grow.

Good post @mandate.

Exactly but few people are still yet to realise this which is depriving them of many golden financial OPPORTUNITIES

It is very common to find this phrase in several places and critically looking at it, it is one of the very best options for accumulating and growing wealth.

That's true.
Thanks for stopping by

Hello @mandate, without a doubt economic growth and financial freedom in many cases depends on making decisions that are sometimes risky, hence the fear of investing our capital and all for fear of losing it, because of insecurities in the procedures to follow. Thank you for your contribution

That's right. That fear of losing it is what is preventing many people to invest

Hello @mandate
A great article that you share with us in this opportunity related to the world of investment estimation, where it is important to highlight what you express:

One of the main reasons why I have really noticed why the wealth of some wealthy people keeps increasing is not because they literally have the way, but because they have mastered the way to let their money work for them.

It is very true what you express and sometimes it is hard for us to understand such an important aspect, I really enjoyed reading your great content.

Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

Yea thank you for stopping by
I really appreciate

Hello @mandate,
I've always wanted my money to work for me, but the big problem is that "I don't have any money to work for me," hehehe

However, starting now with another perspective in the world of crypto assets, I think that acquiring high value tokens can be a saving and simultaneously an investment.

As a joke, I can also tell you that a few years ago I tried to invest in the Venezuelan Stock Exchange and when they asked me for information about my occupation, I indicated that I am a university professor, and I think that is why they did not contact me again, that made me think what opportunities are not for everyone.

This can be taken as an example of why some people give up investing.

I really liked your post and I would like to continue reading on this topic.

See you soon..!

greetings from venezuela, this is a very personal opinion I have about investment and passive money, for some years I have the firm belief that it is a myth that "let the money work for you instead of you working for it", the reason for this is that money is earned (selling a product or providing a service) when you transform the money into a product you make it very prone to losses although I know it is a nice dream but reality shows that the rich have systems that collect money and then that money is jealously guarded as savings.

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