The Blue Whale Suicide Game: What These People Have in Mind?

in #news7 years ago

I heard about this game maybe a couple of years ago, but I thought it was just a silly game and not no deep implications would arise from it. But I was completely wrong! The game is really "silly", but the implications are damaging and so violent to families.

It was on the news today that a young boy was in hospital after trying to commit suicide when he received instructions from this group of friends in the "Blue Whale" group, through an app or something like that. If he didn't follow the instructions, he would be killed by the group. Oh my God, what these people have in mind? Fortunately, his family could act quickly before the worst happened to him!

There are so many things to be done instead of being self-destructive. Volunteer and do something to please another person. Be good and help children around your own community, or even old people in nursery homes, but trying to commit suicide to prove something is nonsense and completely absurd!


Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post!


The Blue Whale's could have just down voted his posts.
Suicide is not an answer to anything.
Sad story.

The worst thing of all is that this is a game! What kind of game is that in which you have to follow instructions and have to pay with your own life? Oh my God, parents should be so very much aware of it and monitor their kids a lot more. That is really sad, I agree! =(

That it is a game is what makes it so sad.
I guess people have played Russian roulette voluntarily too, but this is on another level all together.

Cool where can i get the App?
Nah no worries its a joke im already in knowledge about this strange game. I dont wanna offend you just a little warning, dont share such material if you do not understand please. There are many Kids and Adults which would kill others and there are many young peoole who run into traps. Death means Fear and Power on the other side, so Blue Whale is probably the best name for this Game. A big powerfull Blue Whale the biggest Wahle in the Game who decide about death and life without kill you with his own Hands, he takes you with him and drawn you.

Yes, it can be dangerous as well replicating our hate about this game, but I can't help it and mute myself, unfortunately. But thanks for the visit and also the light on this!

I wont get you mute but i guess you know that because, you dont take my maybe very directly critic not personal. Im glad you understand me like that, maybe it's a different thing also posting this here then directly in twitter or Facebook, where the mainstream and their trolls would love to push this Blue Whale shit as high as possible. I regret my first reply if im honestly, because how ugly a thing is it's not a reason to attack your right for Freedom Speech im just sorry. You where probably in anger when you posteted it and hiding ugly things is bad too. It's just try to take a breath and dont put your anger into a text, we NEED to learn understand the ugly things. You cant defeat something you dont understand sadly and maybe we should help than hype the bad things, we all need to help peoples who are that far that they play those Games. Our Sociaty created both the Players and the ones which they Play with and also those who dont recognize all this because they are so busy.

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