Contest Alert ⚠️ Mental Peace

in Healthy Steemlast month (edited)

Good Morning steemians
It is my pleasure to share with you this week's contest which is titled mental peace organised by suboohi it is an interesting topic and I would like to share my post


I would like to invite @josepha, @mvchacin and @smanuelernest to join this contest in this community today and share their participation as well

What do you understand by mental peace?

Mental peace is a process whereby someone is free from anxiety, stress, village people, and poverty and he is experiencing inner peace

describe the effects of achieving mental peace on a body.

The effects of achieving mental peace in the body can never be overemphasis, It is one of the most important things that we need in our body which is no easy to come by or achieve

But when we do achieve this mental peace our body will experience Calmness, joy, happiness, and comfort we tend to be mire relaxed when we arrived at this level


When we are experiencing mental peace with our bodies we seem to tolerate and forgive one another more than

When we are at peace we seem to have more confidence and our bodies seem to be more energetic and more active

When we are at peace with our body it helps us to be able to deal with our daily activities more successfully because we will be more focused on whatever we are doing

When we have mental health it help to build our immune system and our body will be able to withstand or fight any illness

tell us about the ways through which help to get mental peace


  1. Biblically peace can be achieved by trusting God and placing all expectations and problems on God completely in this way one can be free from every anxiety, stress, and worries

  2. Forgiveness. It is normal to be angry or to feel disappointed when someone offends us it is quite understandable yet keeping grudges against one another won't help you find inner peace anger and disappointment can lead to physical and mental health symptoms like sleep problems, depression, and anxiety

  3. acceptance in life we all want an easy and stress-free journey but life is not a bed of roses sometimes in life, we see or express things we don't bargain for we just have to accept it the way it comes and try to deal with it with positive mindset no matter what the outcome will be

  4. Make time for yourself types you need to set out time yourself and meditate meditation can help you discover yourself and you can find your inner peace

 last month 

Saludos amigo!!!

Gracias por la invitación, un tema muy interesante el de esta dinámica, y que debemos tener muy presente porque de mantener una paz mental nos hace vivir mas tranquilo, y estar mas estables, hoy en día esto de no tener paz mental esta causando muchas crisis.

Excelente participación.

Thanks for comment

Hi @malpa

The mental peace has a very good effect on the life of a person, first of all, the body of a person, if your mental is not good, then first of all, your body starts to deteriorate if you are in a good environment. If you are living, your mantelpiece will be good if you have a greenhouse on your side, you will go and sit in it, you will get natural air, your family members will be good, your front circle will be good. Peace can be more good which is more essential for human life than his body is mental peace.

Best regards

Thanks for your comment ma

 last month 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

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