My Freewriters # 4: Black and White / Heaven and Hell

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)


There are those who think that the black color makes the white color brighter, the contrast of both colors makes it shine and stand out, that contrast can be seen as good and bad, as heaven and hell.

Certainly we are all free to live in a world without hell, but some people make up their own hell because they want to suffer. Hell exists only in the imagination of people, and they live that hell thanks to their fear, guilt and masochism.

Masochism has many causes. ... While you suffer, you live a brighter life, you are more attached to reality, you feel life itself more. Another pleasure for a masochist is to feel sorry for himself. While you suffer, you can show it to your loved ones, feel like a hero and a martyr.

If it is our decision to be on the black or white side of life, it would be interesting to ask ourselves:

Why can't everyone be nice?

You think the correct answer would be: Because if the world is only good, there will be no merit in the fact that you are doing well.

I believe that not everyone is good, because from the birth of sin, the devil surrounds us and hopes to invade us at any moment of weakness, that is, it is always tempting us. In that we should be clear. If we obey God or the Devil?

I believe that human society is organized as an anthill. In particular, I admire the union of ants when it comes to bringing food to their nest. It would be important to learn to distinguish our work in the anthill of life, and to know how to define whether our path will be black or white.

Each of us creates hell or paradise for ourselves.

We can learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes, you will also learn to forgive yours, and over time both of you will realize that there are no mistakes, there are only possibilities.

We can learn to feed our spirits with the fruits of good and cleanse our souls from the rubble of sin.

We can choose to respect the health of our body with a healthy diet, with exercises and cultivate ourselves with tenderness and love.

Given the world situation experienced by the Covid-19 pandemic, we must understand that anyone can die. This epidemic does not distinguish color, race, social class, age, nationality or sex. So we must reflect and know what we are doing in our lives.

We are on the path of light or darkness. You should know that we all carry the causes of unhappiness or happiness, heaven or hell within you. Whatever happens to you happens to you. External causes are secondary, internal causes are primary. And until you understand this, internal transformation is impossible. If the reason is outside, you will be enslaved forever, because you cannot change the external causes. If you make at least one change, millions will follow. Reasons inside, outside only excuses.

You can change the entire external environment, but nothing will change if the internal world remains the same. Inner attitudes will create the same pattern over and over again, because a person lives from the inner to the outer. You always carry your hell or paradise within you. Like a spider it carries a web of itself. Wherever the spider comes from, it immediately spreads its web around itself. And when the spider wants to go further, it absorbs the web itself. Wherever you go, you immediately create your own pattern around you.

Understand, it all depends on you. Understand, because your transformation depends on it. If you have hell, wherever you go, you always create hell around you. Hell and heaven are not geographical concepts; they do not exist in outer space. They exist in the interior space.

Thank you very much for reading my block.


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