In My Vision For Changing The World. Transforming Education System To Produce More Human Moral Values Inside Us.

in #steemfeststella7 years ago (edited)

When I come to writing on the topic that what is my vision to change the world, so many things in my coming. Lots of things to do to change the world, Today's world gave so many problems.
Over population increasing day by day which in turn may causes shortage of foods. We have to make a way out to increase our food production. All barren land in African and Asian countries need to utilizes in this respect. Scientist need to research more to increase food production in coming future to feed the world. At the same time we have control the over population to a limit by increasing awareness about negative effects of over population to all people around the world.
Climate change to global warming due to increase in Air Pollution and sea pollution have a Tremendous effect on Earth. Lots of things to do here to prevent air pollution and control global warming into a limit other wise its Melt Iceland glacier and many part of our world going to sink under water which cause massive damanages in the world.
Increasing Arm Race Between all major countries like USA, China, Russia, UK, And North korea and increasing Terrorist activity through out the world damages our peace. Above all we are always in fear about a big war can Happen any time between the countries and that leads to extinction of human beings. We have to works on keeping Peace and harmony in the world.
Reducing our ground water level drastically in many parts of the world that can cause massive damages to the mankind. There are lots of works on that issue to Control ground water level by reducing excessive used of water and decrease water pollution and increase renewable water projects through out the world.
Our Ocean are going to Polluted by using plastic products, chemical waste and other waste products.
Because of Ocean Ecosystem under a threat. We have lots of work on that.

There are so many things to do here, I can not finished if I going to write one by one.
Above all To solve these type of problems need Cooperation of all people around the world despite of race, color and Countries, otherwise nobody Resist the destruction of mankind and same time our lovely and beautiful earth.
Then I think how can I change the world through my vision. Is it possible for me, I ask to myself.
After lots of thinking I go to my inner mind and my basic extinct tell me that one of my Idea can save the world, if I take initiative.
So According To Me there is nothing impossible for human beings. We can change the world into our dreams by Changing OurSelfs.
But How can we change OurSelfs in this world where value of Humanity Decreasing day by day.
Then My Inner mind telling me that Proper Education will change our mind . Now you can ask me what is the problem of Present Education system.
Yes there is a problem. In our present education system is very much Materialistic in Nature. Our Education system does not teach us about Human Moral Values. Without that We Can not Change OurSelfs.
We forget All Moral Values that a Human Being must Possess.
In this respect Our Relegion can Teach Us to possess all the Human value, Morality, Humanity, Selflessness way of Living, Become a cooperative , more socialistic, More forgiveness, Kindnesses, Livings For Others and not only for OurSelfs.
All These Values Can Only Come to Our Minds and Body only if We Learn Our Relegion in Deeply from very Beginning of Our Education. All Relegion Telling us about Selflessness, Kindnesses, Forgiveness, Morality , living for Others, Living With Gods way . Taking Gods into our Each and Every Work, In Every Step.

When All Human Beings changing their mind and Start Living in Gods Ways of Life then Only We can Change our World.
We Need A Education system Which Stay connected With Our Relegion .Science and Relegion are not different in each other. Science have its own Aspect towards our life, So Our Relegion also have Very Big Aspect in our life. Relegion teach us How to Live a Better Live, Its teach us the difference between evil and Good's things in our life. Like We Separate Golds From Sand Relegion Separate all Evils from our mind from our society.
All Relegion Have their own Way of Living. We have to make A Global Relegions by taking goods things from all Relegion, we have to Write A Book Of Global Relegion which includes all the Basics things of all the Relegion for upliftment our Society and This Books need to be A Part Of Our Education System from the very Beginning. When We respect each other Relegion then only we Change Our Earth to A Heaven where nobody crying for foods, nobody suffer, nobody distinguish each other by their Relegion, by their color. Then Whole World Become A Global Village and We Can Live Together Here Peacefully. Then Every body working together to short out all the problems of Global Warming, Climate change ,Over Population, Shortage of Foods, Water Crisis, Nature Crisis, We Working together to take care Of All Livings beings, our Ocean , Then Only There is No threat Of War,.
All World Become A Global Village and That Is My Vision.

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Thank You Very Much.


I love your passion. Thank you for adding your great idea to the One Human Basket community.

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