Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 | Laughter is The Best MedicinesteemCreated with Sketch.



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Hello to all beautiful Steemians, hope you all are doing great wherever you are! It's a pleasure again to write unto you all. Well this time it's on another opportunity given to me by the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE COMMUNITY to communicate how laughter is the best medicine.

I'd first of all like to make us understand that medecines are not only for the sick, but also for the healthy! When you go to the hospital it's either you want to maintain your health, or you want to get back your re health! Laughter in itself is a medecine which is cheap and readily available for everyone.

Laughter for me is that tangible or physical manifestation of joy, happiness, delight and excitement. I want to believe that in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, He laughed. I say this because the bible says God was pleased by what He created. If God can laugh to express joy, then who are we😅?

Well, I'm a laboratory technician by profession and i know a little about medecines and pharmacology and also psychology. Laughter releases some stress relieving hormones in the body which makes one feel at ease and instantly healed of their ailments. Because many come to the hospital sick but when you run tests they're not found to have anything wrong with them. Perhaps it's just stress disturbing them and they just need to laugh stuff out😂.

Some incidents made me laugh so much that I had to hold my stomach or wipe my tears

I'm normally a funny person and a fun maker so it's usually nor easy to make me laugh😅 but I met this my intern who almost broke my ribs for the space of a month while she was in the hospital. The first time was when I was about to go for a cell meeting and it was before closing time. It was actually the first time we had an informal discussion and she told me something using her dialect accent which made me crack up in laughter. What she actually said was "buy me chocolate and bread" but it was in the typical banso tone.

Cracking up in laughter because of Linda

I was trying to take a pose and take a picture but i was too serious for her liking, so she made that statement and i don't know where laughter came from my Bossom😂 i cracked up and held my tommy and she captured the moment. That girl is so hilarious.

That was not all, there was another time she made me want to pee in myself while we trekked back home. We always have the habit of going back home together.

Linda and I going back home

I had quite a bad day at work that day because it wasn't the end of month yet and the workload was just amazing with much work on the microscope at hand and no electricity supply. I had to postpone much work for the next day but as usual, Linda came in and told me a story of herself when she was in secondary school. I so laughted that i felt my intercostal muscles break😂

I'll share a last experience with Linda again. This time i was informed that she was leaving because her internship was over. You know that feeling a teacher has when hiss favourite student is leaving for another school right! That's what it was like.

Linda and I taking shots

After i heard the information, i was heartbroken and sad, so she saw me and she asked me if I was okay. Well i answered as a strong boy and said yeah nothing is wrong I'm doing good, then she opted that we take memory pictures. I reluctantly removed my phone ands being moody, she began to take different poses which made me crack the bad mood ands begin to laugh 😂. She's just the best intern I've ever had. Very fun to be with, i was so moody but she caused me to forget that her going was a hurt to me and i laughed it all out.

I could count so many situations i have laughed to the point of laying on the floor and begging for my life😅 but this app will be too small for me to count them all. I love to laugh, and my laughter also causes others to laugh.

I have also watched many videos which have made me laugh so much that i choked with my own saliva. You can imagine the intensity of the comedy and immediately you notice that your mood changes from bad to good.


Laughter as i earlier mentioned is a beautiful thing! It's actually the best medicine for me, anytime anyone is feeling bad and you make that person laugh, that person is relieved of so much stress. I studied my bible and i noticed that Psalms 126 says that our mouths are filled with laughter when the lord turns around your captivity. You see how laughter can change your life?

I therefore call upon @wandass73, @fonjougiresse and @graciella to let us know how laughter is their best medicine too😅. I'm expecting mind-blowing posts from you guys. Thank you for reading through.


 2 years ago 

Tu mismo has comprobado que la risa es la mejor medicina porque tiene beneficios muy buenos para la salud ya que disminuye el estres, ayuda a energizarnos.
Los estudiantes cuando se van se siente un pequeño vacío pero uno tiene la seguridad que les impartió el mejor conocimiento y amistad que pudo, ahora les toca volar.
Que bueno que está pasante te dió motivos para morir de la risa, eso significa que eres un buen profesor ya que tú pasante te tomo cariño.
Te deseo exito en el concurso
Saludos y bendiciones

 2 years ago 

Og yes you're right! I too i believe she will fly with wings broader than mine. She's a bright lady just as you are. I enteryain a healthy relationship with all my interns but this one is special to me. Thanks for passing by my post and God bless you

 2 years ago 

Que bien, saludos y bendiciones

Oh waouh MJ😂 so someone could make you laugh eh. I'm happy you are a good influence to those under you! But i would really love to know what she said that you laughed this hard. Would like to use it on you too. You've shown me several times that laughter is the best medicine 🤗 I'm grateful my friend. Good luck

 2 years ago 

Beautiful here @majerius, your intern and yourself look cute and good together. It's hard to see a lady who is funny to the bone. I say this by experience and because I am a girl. You are truly fortunate to have such around you. I hope myself become like her one day. I wish you luck for this contest

 2 years ago 

Your happy face with smile and laugh..brings positive energy to people near you.. just keep it uo and be happy for all you have..
Best of luck for the contest..

I invite you to visit my post too..

 2 years ago 

Sir @majerius the laughing guy. Do you remember in form five when I gave you Pokémon (the game) all our worry was what we were to eat and the games to play ??

I hope Linda will come and work with you very soon because that girl made you to laugh until 🤣

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend...

Laughter releases some stress-relieving hormones in the body which makes one feel at ease and instantly healed of their ailments.

This indeed is very true as laughter releases the neurochemical called Endorphin which helps us fight against stress.

Laughter also can strengthen relationships among people like you and your intern.

Thank you for this masterpiece.

 2 years ago 

Vi tu fotografía, se ve que eres muy alegre con tus amigos.

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