The King must have his gold and the generals will get it for him , at any cost ................

in #politics7 years ago

So the time is moving on since 2010 and the uk general election , the king or the system or banks , be what may wanted money , so the cohorts where sent out into the land together with their generals and spivs seeking to grasp the money from the people for the king , however it was 2010 and the old days of trashing villages and stealing taxes by total force from the hands of those the violence was metered out to are supposed to be gone , another system was needed to gather in the peoples wealth , Universal credit was and still is a back to front approach at taking money from those who need it most , simply sanction them .

Cut services to the public while still charging the same amount of money for those public services .

The cohorts and generals now have a way to gather the money and are covered by a thing called government legislation , kind of the king saying in the old days whilst shouting , " get me the peasant,s money NOOWWWWW!!!"

vaults in the bank of england 

so it is present day 2017 and the king is gathering up his money and like the old days of king henry dishing it out to the financiers and his friends , maybe keeping a war chest back just in case he wanted to invade france.

The chests are being filled with gold at the bank of england while the people of england go to the wall .

The current government when challenged on any question about this act of thievery simply say , "we do not accept your challenge " and just walk on into the corridors of westminster , to dine in the palace style halls of power that are currently being refurbished at a cost of roughly 5 Billion uk pounds , give or take a few million for brown envelopes.

And we have conservative politicians residing over this who will simply walk away when the feeding frenzy is done , knowing full well that laws were passed in 2010 which absolved them all from any challenges so nomatter what the damage caused they have a free pass to do whatever they wish no matter of the consequences.

The bank of england is business as usual , likely million pound bonus money in brown envelopes given out in secrecy away from the glare.

The department for work and pensions , what a mottly crew of vagabonds desperately trying to hold onto their respective jobs by lying and stealing from the unemployed, the governmnet set out spurious rules for them to follow , knowing that these rules could not be followed so the only way to for the DWP to keep their jobs was to create rules of thier own and lie to claimants , manipulate the system and then run like dogs back to the government declaring , "look our job is done we have obeyed you , please dont sack us " 

It is now approaching Christmas 2017 and i wonder just how many people will be forgotten about by our current government , i actually know the answer , it is all of us , every one , especially those that dare to walk into a building full of hatred lies, deception , mental manipulation and septic thoughts , called the Jobcentre , which actually has no jobs within its walls , all are held on outside computer servers .

British government has failed and they have had seven long years to achieve failure , not failure for them , no , only success for them , but failure for every british citizen , and again especially for those at the front end of a barbaric system called UNIVERSAL CREDIT , designed to steal money and created by people who offered no more that the emperors new clothes.


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