There will be many obstacles in the way of life, we have to leave them behind and move forward.

in CCS5 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Different types of people live in this world, each person is different, there is no similarity between one person and another person, there is no similarity between one person and another person's appearance, there is no similarity in speech, there is no similarity in behavior. All the people in the world are different, just as people's names are different, everything about people is different, no one is similar to anyone, but everyone is beautiful from his own position.

The people of today's world are very clever, no one can see the good in other people, no one wants a person to behave well, when someone starts to succeed, everyone tries to prevent that person from succeeding, all the people of the world want you to fail, your Many people will block your way to success, you have to overcome those obstacles and move forward, only then will you see the face of success.

A few days ago, I was watching an advertisement on Bangladeshi television. In that advertisement, a man will climb a mountain, but no one dares him, everyone tells him that it is impossible to climb this mountain, but that person leaves everything behind and starts to climb the mountain. Time shows that person is able to climb the mountain.

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The point to understand here is that if that person had listened to everyone and given up climbing the mountain, he would never have climbed the mountain. He succeeded and reached his destination because of his courage to take the right decision without paying attention to other people's words, and he was able to climb the mountain. When he climbs the mountain everyone starts praising him, but at first no one dares him.

In the same way in our life no one will come forward, everyone will say nothing will happen to you, but keep moving forward without looking at other people's words, when you go against everyone's words and succeed, everyone will come to you and everyone will praise you. will continue to do But no one will be there for you before you succeed, you have to remember, the difficult moments of life are spent alone, no one will be there for you.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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