Many times we can't take the right decision at the right time

in CCS5 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Many of us cannot take the right decision at the right time, due to which we face many dangers. Many people's lives would be changed if they could make the right decision at the right time. It is wise to do the work at the time when the decision is right.

A wrong decision can ruin our life, that's why we should think before taking any decision, without thinking most of the decisions are wrong, we will decide before and after the action we decide, because the action If after doing it we are harmed instead of benefited, then our life is likely to face many dangers due to that action.

If I give an example in this matter, it will be better understood, for example, you have finished your studies and are doing a job, now you get another job offer while you are doing that job, or you get an offer to do a business, what will you do then? You must make the right decision at this time, if you can't make the right decision at this time, you will suffer a great loss.

Think again, you will study, now you have the opportunity to study two subjects, this time you must make a right decision, and study a subject that will benefit you, and your future will be bright. if you can make the right decision at this time then your life will be bright, and if you can't make the right decision then darkness will come in your life.

That's why we all should take the right decision at the right time, and make sure to think carefully while making the decision, once the decision is made and done, it becomes very difficult to change it later. And many dangers to face in life.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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