After a few days of severe winter, the sun has been seen today

in CCS5 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.


We have been experiencing extreme cold for a few days in Bangladesh, it has become difficult to go out of the house in this winter. Many people are suffering due to severe winter, they need winter clothes to remove the cold, those who can afford it are wearing winter clothes to remove the cold, but those who can't afford it, the poor people are suffering a lot in this winter, they are wearing winter clothes to remove the cold. Can't buy clothes.

Due to severe winter, there is no sunshine for a few days, there is a lot of suffering due to the lack of sunshine, wet clothes cannot be dried after bathing, many have small children at home who need a lot of clothes, they cannot be dried unless the sun shines. A wet garment takes a long time to dry, as small children tend to wet the bed. Washing your own clothes makes drying them very difficult.

The sun is not visible due to extreme winter, the fog is more visible when the sun is not visible due to extreme winter, and there is less traffic on the road when the fog is more visible. Vehicular accidents are more frequent when fog is more visible due to severe winters, because visibility is poor due to fog, and accidents are more organized when visibility is poor. For this reason, the vehicle must be driven with caution during fog.


There was no sun for a few days due to extreme cold, and there was a lot of fog, due to which there was very little traffic on the roads, after a few days there was sunshine today, even though it is very cold now, there was still sunshine today, and due to the sunshine, there was a lot of traffic on the roads. The vehicle has arrived. Today the number of vehicles on the road was slightly higher, yesterday due to the fog the number of vehicles on the road was very less.

On my way to work this morning there was very little traffic on the road, but when I returned home from work in the afternoon I saw a lot of traffic on the road as the sun came out. The two pictures that I have shared with you today are taken from our market.

The pictures that I shared with you today were taken with my SAMSUNG Galaxy A52 5G mobile.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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