Recognize The Symptoms Of Stomach Infections And How To Treat The Right

in #health7 years ago


You may not realize in gastric Helicobacter pylori bacteria there or h. pylori. These bacteria can cause an infection of the stomach. One way to find out is to recognize the symptoms of an infection of the stomach.
The bacteria h. pylori involute and grow in the digestive tract. These bacteria tend to attack the walls of the stomach. H. pylori can cause sores on stomach and small intestine. Further, these bacteria can cause peptic ulcers (peptic ulcer), inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), and if not addressed adequately may lead to gastric cancer.
The organ of the stomach is part of the digestive tract that was instrumental in killing germs and digesting food produces stomach acid, and digestive enzymes can also eradicate germs. However, the bacteria h. pylori is able to live and survive in an acid environment in the stomach. In the stomach, these bacteria can grow and multiply in a layer of mucus that protects the stomach.
A wide array of Symptoms that appear

Although the symptoms of gastric infection due to bacteria h. pylori is often not typical, you can detect it from some of the symptoms that appear, such as:

MualPerut kembungSering bersendawaHilangnya makanMengalami tastes a hot pain or burning in the stomach, such as area under the rib cage and above the navel or solar plexus. Abdominal pain when your stomach is empty, even though it usually gets better soon after eating or drinking milk or weight loss badanPada antasidaTerjadi drugs kids, symptoms that can be found include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. However, it is difficult to detect the cause as the bacteria h. pylori because these symptoms are also commonly seen in other diseases.
Research also suggests that h. pylori infection can increase the risk of gastric cancer up to six fold compared to people without these bacterial infections. Unknown reason why these bacteria can trigger stomach cancer, particularly non-type gastric cancer kardia. However, there is an allegation that is because these bacterial infections trigger an inflammatory reaction in the long run on the walls of the stomach so that can cause genetic mutations in the cells of the stomach.
Gastric cancer symptoms can be similar to symptoms of infection of h. pylori in the early stages, but eventually can lead to gastric cancer symptoms of bleeding channel of indigestion or black colored stools, weakness, decreased weight gain without a clear reason, vomiting and abdominal pain after eating, vomiting of blood, and the feeling of bloating or fullness is fast despite eating foods in a little amount.
Can Be Contagious

The bacteria h. pylori can be transmitted to other people through direct contact with saliva, feces, or vomit. Besides the bacteria h. pylori can also be transmitted through food or water that is already contaminated.
Infections due to bacteria h. pylori often strikes children and those living in neighbourhoods with poor sanitation. For example, if you live in a dense residential population, have no access to clean water or live bacterial infection sufferer along with h. pylori. The habit of washing hands or living sparsely in the neighborhood with bad sanitation can be a factor in the risk of developing bacterial infections.
The checks Performed

To detect symptoms of stomach infection due to bacteria h. pylori, doctors usually will trace the family health history. To support a diagnosis, the doctor will do some checking such as abdominal examination to find out the signs of bloating and pain, as well as listen to the voice inside the stomach.
In addition, there is also blood, stool examination, and examination of the urea breath test. Urea breath test is a breath examination is conducted to determine if there are germs of h. pylori in the stomach. Prior to the examination of this breath, the patient will be given a capsule containing urea. If the bacteria h. pylori germs will cultivate urea into carbon dioxide and the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled after the patient drinks the capsules of urea will be measured to see if there are bacteria or not. If there is an isotope of carbon dioxide in the breath, it's a positive sign to the urea breath checks, if the isotope is not detected, it means the examination negatively.
If necessary, the doctor may do an endoscopy embodying with special tool into the mouth to the stomach. Comparison urea breath examination, endoscopic examination results accuracy rate higher in determining whether there is a bacterial infection or not. With the endoscope, the physician can also simultaneously take on gastric tissue samples for examination of bacterial culture examination and biopsy to make sure the diagnosis is, at the same time see whether bacteria have experienced a certain immunity to antibiotics or not.
How To Treat Stomach Infections

To treat gastric infection symptoms are usually given a combination of two different antibiotic drugs, plus one type of drug to cope with inflammation of the stomach. This treatment is called triple therapy. This type of drug include proton pump inhibitor (proton-pump PIs/PPI) such as pantoprazole and esomeprazole, an inhibitor of H2 receptors (H2-receptor antagonist or H2RA) like cimetidineatau ranitidine bismuth subsalicylate, and, plus two types of antibiotics such as amoksisilin, metronidazole, or clarithromycin.
After a four-week drug, doctors will suggest You to undergo the test h. pylori. If the first treatment doesn't work, you may be asked to eat a combination of different antibiotic drugs.
Stomach infection symptoms are advised to immediately be addressed through consultation with a physician. Especially if the gastric infection accompanied by symptoms of more serious such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, there is an accompanying symptom of malnutrition, weight loss dropped dramatically, bloody or black CHAPTER.
Keep in mind, konsumsilah all drugs given by your doctor and follow the rules of use. When not consumed properly, the bacteria in the body can become resistant to antibiotics and more difficult to treat infections resulting in.
To support the healing of the stomach due to infection, you also need to stay away from cigarettes, spirits and caffeinated, spicy food, and herbal medications or herbs.

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