in Project HOPE3 years ago


Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Gerd Altmann

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, in previous installment, we were addressing the use of our metamask and its connection with the RobiniaSwap platform, therefore, through this installment I would like to share with you my experience applied in the betting chips for the purpose of generating income with Robinia Pools.

In this regard, let's get down to practice.


In order to make this publication as didactic and understandable as possible, we will make a sequence of steps and images that allow us to understand the process, among these we can observe:

Step 1: go to the official RobiniaSwap website and look for the Pool section, as shown in the image, making sure that your metamask account is connected to the Robinia platform, to speed up the process you can visit the following link: https://robiniaswap.com/pools.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Step 2: let's remember that we will be betting RBS tokens, at this point it is necessary to have availability of these tokens in my wallet, in this particular case I only have 9.7 RBS, obtained from the previous process through Bsteem, so we will use the 20.2 USDT available to redeem them and get more RBS.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

To perform the redemption process we only have to select USDT and it will open the options section that we have for this token, where we will find the option to redeem and by selecting it we will be able to perform the action we want.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Step 3: once RBS availability is obtained, we go back to Robinia Swap platform and approve the RBS contract, as shown in the image.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

En este punto hará un llamado a nuestra wallet, donde aprobaremos y firmaremos el contrato, de modo que en la plataforma podremos seleccionar, la cantidad de RBS que apostaremos, en este particular he decido apostar el máximo disponible.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

Step 4: as a final procedure we can observe that our money is working for us and getting some profitability from the Robinia Swap platform.

Screenshot taken by @madridbg through the Robiniaswap portal. Robiniaswap

In this sense, I look forward to reading your comments on this project that in recent days has given much to talk about, until the next installment.

[1] ROBINIASWAP. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


Greetings dear friend @madridbg, certainly this RobiniaSawp platform has given us a lot of knowledge about the stake and all the benefits it brings us, personally I expect a lot from it and I'm sure it will allow us to improve our income.

Hello @madrirdbg
This experience has been good, at least I think it has been so for most, especially the first few days where the profit margins were higher.
But, I think most are already quite oriented in what is DeFi, and how to make a profit in these projects.

Greetings friend, Robinia's platform has given us the opportunity to read a lot about the DeFi ecosystem, and with experiences like the one you describe we are quite oriented about the processes that we must carry out to invest, thanks for sharing it.

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