Hi Steemit, let me introduce myself!

Hi everybody, my name is Magda and I am 23 years old. After 2 long, long weeks I FINALLY got accepted on Steemit, after I already forgot I even applied. :D But yea, now when I'm here I would like to shortly introduce myself and explain why exactly am I here. I'll start with five random facts about me, just to give you a clearer picture of who I am:

1. I was born and raised in Croatia. Although I always try to escape it, at the end of the day, it's the only country I call my home. It's cozy, it's kinda small, and it's charming in its own way.

2. I'm a musician and play the piano for the last 17 years. 

3. I don't own a cell phone and don't plan to do so in the near future. People call me technophobic, and frankly, I agree. Here's a photo of my phone + the selfie I made with it.

4. I have a degree in humanities and don't work at McDonald's. That's what I call an unexpected turn of events.

5. I love to travel, but for some reason, my wallet keeps standing in my way. 

The sad truth is that I still don't understand the mechanism of Steemit quite well, BUT I really do have a clear picture of what I want to do here. I want to write small, informative articles about topics I find interesting in the fields I feel passionate about. It could be anything considering musicology, linguistics, history, art, traveling, politics etc. etc. I think regular writing sessions could be beneficial for me, just to keep my brain working, because god knows I tend to get lazy. Steemit community seems extremely supportive and polite, so I really hope that you guys won't crucify me. Yet. I'll do my best to spread my passion with the world, I promise.    

Yours truly,



Welcome to Steemit ;) Have you heard about @dtube yet? Check it out! Btw - I love Croatia, especially Rovinj and Dubrovnik! Greets, @theaustrianguy

thank you for stopping by! I agree with you, both cities are breathtaking :)

Hello welcome to steem Magda

thank you very much!

Welcome to steemit @maddieseal upvote :D

hi, and thanks for stopping by! :)

Greetings @maddieseal

You've been invited to the iTalnet contest/initiative

If you wish to enroll the contest, the auditions started 1'st of March and will last until 5'th of March read more in the link below, the contest has a new voting system where artists/performers vote between themselves (no judges / no upvote count / no nominatios) only contestants vote counts.

Please read the rules of the contest prior to enrollment, thank you

Belated welcome to Steemit, if you are interested in Classical music, we are at the tag #classical-music and the discord below.


The classical music community at #classical-music and Discord.
Follow our community accounts @classical-music and @classical-radio.
Follow our curation trail (classical-radio) at SteemAuto

Hi friend! :) I am here by your comment on my post. Wish you also luck! and it's impressive that you can live without samrtphone :o

it's easier than it looks like :D thank you so much for stopping by!

Welcome to steemit! I just upvoted. My recent post has a few tips for newcomers. Good luck!

thank you so much, I'll make sure to check it out!

Hej, Magda! Ovo mi je tak super kad vidim ovdje Hrvate! Osobito cure! Sretno na Steemitu! Folujem! 😉😄 iako si tehnofob, bilo bi super da napravis glazbene videe! Rado bihbih gledala :))

haha ovo je zadnja stvar kaj sam očekivala :D ful mi je drago upoznat te! folujem nazad i hvala ti puno <3

"Won't crucify me", how funny Magda! Hahah Great presentation. Good luck at whatever you do here in the future. I wanna invite you to visit my profile and read my introductory post, I hope you like it. If you can give Upvote. I'm new in Steemit too and also I'm in the way to know more about how it works. Welcome! =D

thank you for your kind words :) I'll check out your profile for sure!

Great to meet you Maddie! Just wonder how you can be a technofobic and be on Steemit ;)

Follow Jon Magnusson on

Eclectic indie folk pop musician from Sweden

Steemit seems wonderful, so I'm willing to be out of character for a while :)

It really is! Do you record music as well as playing piano?

unfortunately no :/ my carrier path took me more to music theory and musicology, so my performative skills are kinda left behind

Maybe Steemit will encourage you! :) Feel free to check out some of my stuff, I have a new EP that I'm really happy about!

it would be a pleasure! :)

You can find it here http://www.jonmagnusson.se/always-a-rebel-ep/

and next week it comes on Spotify

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