SKY TRANSIT : IMF Recent Assessment vs. Cryptocurrency Advocacy

Today's SKY TRANSIT summarizes an article I wrote entitled IMF Recent Assessment vs. Cryptocurrency Advocacy.

IMF Recent Assessment vs. Cryptocurrency Advocacy

Cooperation and stability. These are concepts that blockchain enthusiasts value. These terms are also found within the mission statement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

Main topics covered in my post:

  • the IMF is an international governing body that provides economic mediation
  • it was not long ago that IMF used the term digital currency as opposed to cryptocurrency
  • other government entities are looking to enter blockchain so it makes sense that the IMF does as well
  • what is surprising is that the IMF has done so through a highly visible social media commercial
  • this also coincides with a recent financial assessment of the United States

Questions moving forward :

  • Can we expect the IMF to be an asset for decentralized finance?
  • How will the IMF respond to organize agendas of governments and financial institutions from around the world?
  • Does the IMF plan to employ or build a blockchain that is publicly accessible?

I encourage you to comment and raise questions. The IMF can rather quickly impact how the world uses cryptocurrencies. It's international mandate and capacity to offer a respected opinion of major economies would be advantageous for decentralized finance.

Let me end it here, as these Sky Transits are meant to be quick reads.

Let me know if I am missing anything. Appreciate it.
visit the full/original post here


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as always, excellent information. I think the IMF wants his piece of cake in the digital world

A piece of cake while providing value for users, sure. The whole cake without adding any benefit, uh no.
Interesting times ahead.

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