The prince and his flute// short story by @m4deline

in #shortstory7 years ago

This is a short story about a prince, old man, and a flute. The photo below is now my work.
boy w fkute .jpg
Derry had every advantage in life. He was smart. He was rich. He was handsome. The list goes on and on and on to make it short. He was a prince who had everything he could of every wanted in arms reach. He was a spectacular boy born to a family that could support his spectactularism voyage. He studied the stars. He wrote books. He rode horses. He was truly one of the most remarkable people on the planet at that point in time.

Now about Derry's family:

His father was a money hungry king who hid his greed from his son. He stole everything from his kingdom to enhance their already the best military and to throw grand feasts.

Derry's mother was a pig. She ate and drank all day becoming 10 pounds heavier each day. But she hid her problem by having doctors removing the weight she added on the first, third, fifth and sixth days of the week.

Esem (the eldest child and his sister) was vain and used her power to kill innocent girls that were even the slightest better than her in any way.

Dutonly (the second child and his sister) used men like no other and was married 4 times before she reached 19. She had dated every guy in the relm before she was 27.

Kwell (the third child and his brother) believed he was better than everyone and would never in his life doubt his wasn't the best.

Hodress (The fourth child and his sister) was lazy beyond measure. She never left her room but once a week and slept through the days.

Jesitful (The fifth child and his brother) was constantly angry about everything and never lived a day without going on a rampage. He killed prisoners every day to calm himself.

The family was extremely different and there only similarity was that they all hated music except for Derry.

Derry was the youngest child and was a mystery to everyone how he was such a good soul and some believed it was because they had switched him out with another child in the nursery when he was a babe. Others thought it was because he was being paid an unbelievable amount of money by an organization to not be another menace. But the truth was he was just somehow a good person.

One day Derry asked his father for a flute. His father had misheard him and thought he had said newt so he ordered a guard to bring him the best in the land. Derry was given a flute and immediately fell in love with it and played it for weeks straight only stopping for food and drink. One day he went to his family during a meeting a picked it up to play for them and as soon as his mother saw the tip of the instrument she ordered him to give her the instrument. For the first time in Derry's life he was filled with rage. He looked to his mother and told her no. She choked on her pie and died in seconds.

Derry loved his mother but the way he felt for the instrument led him out of the castle and made his feet fly. He ran with the flute and didn't stop until he heard the voice of another flute played more beautifully than any time he had ever played his. He followed the noise to a old man with grey whiskers and red outfit.

"Hello young man what can I do for you? I am Quittle." Said the old man.
"Hello..Quittle?" Derry said in a confused fashion.
"Well... What do you want. Um, well what should I call you?"
Derry was quick to reply "Derry sir. Well I heard your music and I was drawn to it and have a flute of my own and wish to know how you played so well."
"Derry, I cant tell you that but I can teach you. Sit."

Derry sat by Quittle and Quittle didn't say anything but Derry felt as if he was in a classroom and listened to the words Quittle spoke through his flute. Derry didn't know what the words meant but somehow understood. The pair sat there until dusk when Quittle stopped playing. They felt as if they had known each other forever after the session and Quittle led Derry to a building and gave him bread, water, and a bed. There Derry slept until the next day when he was awoken with the flute playing from the spot he met Quittle.Derry got up and grabbed his flute running out the door to do what he had done the day before.

For years Quittle and Derry did this until one day they sat in the same spot as always. Quittle began to play and then Derry began to play. That day Derry's music outshone Quittle's and Derry got so into it that he didn't realize Quittle pack up his flute and walk away into the distance. Derry never saw Quittle ever again.

Derry lived as he had before but without old Quittle. Derry played his flute day after day as he guessed Quittle had before he had shown up. One day a girl came to him with tears in her eyes and a flute in hand. Derry was now as old as Quittle had been when he had first met Quittle.
" Hello girl. I am Derry." as Derry spoke those words he remembered a story Quittle had told him through song.

A offspring of royalty unlike the rest will leave home with a flute meeting an old. The old will teach until overthrown and will walk to the sky as told. The offspring will teach a new. This happens so the offspring of royalty can find inner peace that they hadn't ever felt in the place they had been born to. The flute is the savior to this child for they would have never had meaning in the family unless they had met the flute.



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Awesome story! Keep writing!!!

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