Why do we find it so hard to decide?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Life often presents us with scenarios and in several of them we have to choose. Personally, this has been quite difficult and has led me to think a lot about which is the best way to grow, and on several occasions I have even lost sleep and anxiety reigns in me.


We are very afraid of failure and of what others will say, because there is always someone who will say ...I told you so! Sometimes we forget that we also learn from the things that don't go well, we are so used to believing that winning alone can make us happy. The social pressure to get all our decisions right is obviously sometimes a great torture.

And we are drowning in a glass of water, we awaken cortisol secretions that keep us alert and take away our peace of mind. Sometimes we decide, and in the midst of hesitation we want to choose again, and this shows that sometimes we do not even perceive our ability to solve problems.

Often this indecision has a context in the rigid training we have received, as parents or teachers may be questioning and making us decide what they think is best for us, and this translates into future insecurity. Therefore, we should rather teach our children and students to choose according to their convictions and needs while taking responsibility for the action committed.

Procrastination and immaturity also have a lot to do with it, we let time go by and choose to do other things that keep us distracted from making choices. Besides, I think that sometimes we are in a world of children disguised as adults who are simply afraid to order their lives...


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Greetings @lynnmargullys, indecision is part of people, it is true that many times it is hard to decide between one thing or another, but the truth is that we must be firm in what we are going to decide, whether it goes well or goes wrong, we must decide only one thing and without regrets, as this allows us to give the best of us when we decide something and we can get the best out of it.

Thank you for your contribution, it is indeed a matter of understanding that the decision we take will have consequences and that we will know how to face them responsibly.

Making of decision is a very critical issue that we are sometimes scare of doing because we are scare if might turn out bad if we don't make the best decision. Anytime we want to make a decision it is better not to rush it let think about it critically and seek for advice from people we feel are more experienced and knowledge base than us.

Very good advice, indeed we must take the time to analyse the situation... a big hug!

Being indecisive is not synonymous with insecurity, sometimes it is part of the options that are presented, there are issues where you can not generalize or explain the possible variants of what is raised to make it more digestible.

Thank you for your contribution, it's good!

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