The Fifth Agreement: Don't believe everything, be skeptical!

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


Miguel Ruiz already told us about 4 interesting agreements, which I shared with you every week. Today I bring you the Fifth of his agreements, which was even written in another work that today bears that name. Miguel is a man of science, a surgeon who, after living through an accident, allowed himself to study his self and write about many of the things that affect us all.

The interesting thing about Quinto acuerdo is that he writes it with his son and it is a work that transmits many messages. Testing the truths we have been led to believe is perhaps the most important premise of this play, and that reminds me a lot of Plato's cave myth Have we been living in a world of truths that don't exist? It is a good question.


The authors invite us to be skeptical, but to do so we must learn to listen and read between the lines. It is about listening to the truths of our environment, respecting them, but according to our convictions and realities, and keeping faith in ourselves. From an early age we are created in a world of truths and sometimes they are really a weapon to make us feel like failures.


The truths already exist, they are and they are maintained whether you believe in them or not. For example, when it was said that the Earth was the center of the solar system, many believed it, but Copernicus' proofs said the opposite, it is the sun! And it did not cease to be so for believing in the first premise. The truth is only to be sought, without attachment to dogmas!

So learning to listen is presented to us as the strategy to evaluate what others want to tell us and determine if it favors you. It is about having a critical thinking that allows us to go beyond what we have been told for years and that perhaps has not been the best.


Learning to listen allows us to choose what is best for our lives, because from emotionality sometimes we do not find the best results. These agreements, as I have already described in previous publications, are personal, we make them with ourselves... to maintain healthy attitudes towards the problems that always exist.

The goal is to walk towards the truth and leave aside superstitions, stop suffering and choose peace and believe in yourself, because when you achieve it, your world turns towards the search of your wellbeing, without harming the rest...

Thank you for the support given in this community! I read you!


The Fifth Agreement:
1 2 3 4


Hello @lynnmargullys

I came to clarify my doubt about the image of your cover, and look how things are I find the word "skeptic", this agreement of Miguel Ruiz that you share with all of us in the community, invites us to verify our patterns about the truth, learning to listen is the best way to realize the non-existence of absolute truth, that everything is a point of view, ie the side from where more hits exists but not the truth itself. I like to read you, thanks again for this contribution.

Best regards, be well.

So it is Professor, Miguel Ruiz invites us to see beyond the truths we have been taught and that is why he speaks of skepticism; however, he emphasizes the need to know how to listen in order to analyze the metamessage and find what is real. These agreements help us to live a more harmonious life, working more on our success than on the external noise... thank you for reading.

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