The Love Story Behind @lynncoyle1 and @briancourteau

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

@briancourteau and I have welcomed all of you into our life, but you've been welcomed into the "near" end of it all, so I wanted to share with you the beginning of our fairy tale love story! I've always felt fortunate to have met him and had this whirlwind life of ours, but truthfully, I've not thought of it as a fairy tale until my days here on steemit and all of your reactions.

I was married for 24 years before. Yes, that is right, 24 years. They of course all weren't bad, but they were never quite good either. And I knew that from year one, but I had been raised to believe in the sanctity of marriage, so I forged on, and tried to make it right. Three years later we were moving; a transfer for his job, and I contemplated ending it, but again, it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. Eight years later our first son was born. Yep, eight years. So was it all horrible? I guess not, but again, it wasn't great either. Somehow I had learned to accept that not horrible was as good as it was going to get, that not horrible was a perfectly acceptable way to live. Three years later our second son was born. Play. Pause. Repeat. I could say the same for every milestone in our life; I reflected and thought, this isn't what I want, this isn't what I signed up for, but I was taught that "life isn't fair", "you take your lumps and move on"; I was conditioned to believe that this was all OK, that it was normal for life to be mediocre or less, that I had a roof over my head and food on the table, so what did I really have to complain about?

One day, 20+ years into our marriage, I watched my then-husband sit in a recliner beside his father, and they both pulled the lever that raised their feet, and they both asked for a drink. Really they demanded one, not with a "please can you get me...", but more of a "bring me ..." My then-mother-in-law literally scuttled off to the kitchen to fix her man his drink and I stopped. Dead in my tracks. And thought: What the fuck am I doing? That, funny enough, was my light bulb moment. It was at that very moment that I realized there was no turning back. My decision was made and no tears, begging, demanding, ordering, bribing was going to change that fact. It was done. It was over.

So. Brian :)

I was only single for one and a half years and my friend one day said to me, "I met a guy last night. I think you should meet him".

I said, "were you drinking last night?"

She said, "yes, only wine, but here's his name and number."

Only wine

I took one look at that name and number and threw it in my junk drawer. That drawer we all have that eventually gets dumped in the garbage only to be refilled one day in the future.

The future came, three weeks later. No kids (they were at their father's for the weekend), no plans, no work, nothing but freedom, and I thought, what have I got to lose? So I cowardly messaged him on Facebook (it's safer that way) and we decided to meet for dinner the next night, only after I'd scourged his Facebook history, vetting everything that I thought might conflict with what I wanted in a relationship.

I found out later that he almost cancelled, because like me, he was not interested in anything serious, especially after his 18 years of relative unhappiness; a marriage that had just ended about the same time as mine.

We met for dinner. I arrived early, sat down, and waited. I created a perfect excuse in my head to leave early if necessary; my kids are sick, the dog needs to be picked up from the vet, I have to work. I had them all in lined up, ready to be fired from my Gatling gun of excuses. He walked in, I stood to greet him, our eyes met, and that was it. We were both hooked, but neither of us were willing to accept it. It was too soon. It didn't make sense. It went against our vision of our new-found singledom. It wasn't right, but it wasn't wrong either.

After 15 minutes of chatting, and both of our phones repeatedly buzzing, I finally said, "we should let our friends know that we no longer need an out. He knowingly smiled, and agreed.

We literally have been together ever since.

In the beginning we spent hours lamenting about our previous relationships and how different this was, how loving it was, how respectful it was. I wondered if it would end. Like any honeymoon. I wondered if it would fade away and life would go back to being tolerable, acceptable, not horrible. But it didn't. It still hasn't.

Brian has been my light, my love, my reason for being. He has shown me what love is, what it truly means. He has taught me that I deserve this...every single day. And he taught my sons how to be men. How to be respectful. How to treat a woman. How to treat their mom. He has given me more in these 8 short years, than anyone has in a lifetime.

He has taught me love and living. He has brought out the me in me and taught me that there is no shame in who I am, that my smile and my light deserves to be lit. He has created for me something that can never again be filled.

And I am thankful for that, even though no man can ever come close to filling those shoes. Ever. I am thankful.

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He has brought out the me in me and taught me that there is no shame in who I am, that my smile and my light deserves to be lit.

You 2 are awesome. Cherish every moment you get living next to each other. Thank you for sharing this little piece of you.

Thank you @osm0sis! You're the second person who has picked that statement out :) It was my pleasure sharing it; I feel like I'm always sharing our "horror" stories, so I thought it high time I shared some pleasant ones too!

Love hearing the back story. Bet your past made you appreciate what you have even more.

I'm so glad! I feel like you've been around forever and should already know it.

We still will often shake our heads at our collective pasts and high five each other quickly afterwards :)

What a lovely story @lynncoyle1! This gave me a good chuckle:

we should let our friends know that we no longer need an out.

It is truly crazy how meeting one person can truly change your life. What if that number just went in the trash that day, but YOU made the decisions that forever changed your life for the better! That is incredible!

Exactly!! It is incredible, and I often pondered the exact same thing! What if ?? Crazy how our choices can really make a huge difference in our lives!

haha and yes, our phones were vibrating off the table and we both were trying to ignore it :)

Thank you so much!!

I'm sure you are enjoying moments like these still! :)

My second favorite love story! <3 Its eerily similar to my first favorite! Your love and passion for one another is so much more than any fairy tale romance. Im so happy you two found each other. Love has a funny way of showing up when its the least expected... or even wanted!

"In the beginning we spent hours lamenting about our previous relationships and how different this was, how loving it was, how respectful it was. I wondered if it would end. Like any honeymoon. I wondered if it would fade away and life would go back to being tolerable, acceptable, not horrible. But it didn't. It still hasn't."

When LOVE becomes LOVE and HAPPINESS becomes HAPPINESS !

Thank you @smylie2005! I'm so glad that you can totally deserve it :)

Reading your article, I think that is a perfect man that artist sing about. A man who respects you and help your children to learn morals. Your life is amazing and everyone can learn from your love. Thanks for being yourself on steemit and sharing this with us @lynncoyle1

Thank you @bmotives! I think he's pretty perfect :) And it has been my pleasure sharing our story; everyone has been so kind and supportive throughout it's a very safe environment to share ;)

I love it when you give us glimpses of your life with Brian. This is such a wonderful story of you and Brian meeting and having the connection but was hesitant at first.

When you talked about your lightbulb moment it was as if I was there.

Thank you for sharing this Lynn. lots of love.

Wow thank you @maverickinvictus! I appreciate you enjoying the story and my writing. I figured it was time to share some happy memories too :)

I've been apprehensive to open this and read it because I know I will cry. I read it just now thinking I am ready and I will not cry but then I failed. This is just beautiful, how it all began and then it is hard not to be emotional with the current situation. It is a triumph of love over and over.

Oh @leeart, this one was supposed to make you smile :)

Thank you for obviously caring so much; I really do appreciate it!

In many ways it does make me smile. I am really happy for the love that you have for each other.

Great to hear your story, @lynncoyle1. It honestly moved me to tears...
I’m hapy for both of you that you had that ‘light bulb’ moment. For some people, that never comes.

Thanks @simplymike! Sorry to make you cry again! This was supposed to be a happy one :)

It was a ‘happy-cry’ ;0)

I love the photo! But also a beautiful story, thank you for sharing. I've been following your story from the shadows. I've never known what to say, but this is really a touching moment and I'm happy you found each other.

Aww thank you @bengy! It's one of my favorite photos of really shows the fun we've had :)

I'm sure you're not the first to be at a loss for words, so please don't feel badly about that, but I'm so glad you said something now. I have been sharing such difficult things that I figured it was time to lighten up and show something 'nicer' :)

Thanks for popping by!

Aw. Lovely to read the story of how you both met.

So glad you have your sons from you first relationship. It must make all those years seem more worth while. 💙

It really does. I'm so thankful for the two of them. Brian was married 18 years with no kids and always felt a little 'ripped off' because of it. He always wanted them, his wife didn't. So he's thankful to have had a hand in raising mine too :)

Similar for John and myself although he wasn't previously married, but my daughter considers him to be her Dad. We have a son together too and John has always treated them both the same.

It doesn't happen often but if someone talks about them as half brother and sister I think they're talking about someone else's kids. 😁

That's so nice; so many step-parents have a difficult time truly treating kids fairly in those situations.

It doesn't happen often but if someone talks about them as half brother and sister I think they're talking about someone else's kids. 😁

That's funny, but also beautiful ;)