The Art of Relaxation : 7DayPositivityChallenge - Day 6

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)


Why do so many of us live our lives like a hamster on a wheel? Running from one thing to the next, never going anywhere, but consistently going to work, coming home, racing kids to activities, all to do it again the next day? And why do we wear our over-worked nature like a badge of honor?

I realize that we need to work, we need to pay bills, we need to take care of our families, but somewhere I think, we lost how to relax; we lost the art of relaxation. We somehow became a culture where relaxing instead of doing something seems somehow wrong.

After living in a big city for most of my life, I grew accustomed to "busy"; it was my way of life for many years. I taught High School English, History, and Special Ed full time, raised two children, did extra-curricular things, then I took a leave from teaching, and owned and ran a restaurant. I know busy. But, once Brian got sick especially, we slowed down, and after being in Mexico, I suddenly realized that we were doing it all wrong!

We were out for a walk here in Playa del Carmen the other day, and passed this shop (more of a Flea Market really). It was a bit after lunch, and really really hot out. It was such an odd assortment of things, so we snapped a photo.

Then the mannequin heads struck me as odd and I got a bit more of a close-up.

Back at home, I was looking at these images on my computer and zoomed in further. Much to my surprise, I spotted the only worker (owner?) of the shop having a little siesta :)

That's the way to work :)

Of course we all can't sleep on the job haha, but when we have the opportunity, there's nothing "wrong" with putting our feet up and just relaxing. Believe it or not, those dirty dishes or unfolded laundry will be there tomorrow, but that moment when you sit and ask your child or your partner how their day was, might not be. We seem to be on the move so much, that I think we miss out on what's really important in life. So please, take the time to allow yourself to relax, to enjoy your loved ones, to take time for yourself, especially moms and dads and caretakers who normally put themselves on the back burner. Your souls will thank you for it ;)

And in case you're not quite convinced, grab a glass of wine, put your feet up, and look at the photo of my Mexican amigo having his siesta. He obviously is a curator of the art of relaxation :)

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I think one of the reasons we can't relax is that we're taught that more is better. We're also taught that we need a lot of "things" to make us happy. Well, we need money to buy those things, so we spend a bunch of time working so we can get those things that we don't need. We barely use those things, then we pay more money to put them in a storage unit until we pay someone to help us clean out the storage unit.

How about we just skip buying so much junk and instead save that money? Then we can work a little less and laugh a little more. Thoughts? :)

I agree completely! Over the last several years, everytime I go to buy something, I think, "Do I need this or want this?" 99% of the time, it's a want and not a need, so it goes right back on the shelf. To think that Brian and I came here with two backpacks, a small suitcase and our cat speaks volumes to what we actually need in life.

I don't have regrets, but if I could "do it over", I'd spend less money on "stuff" and more on travelling. That's what I encourage my kids to do now.

It's amazing how little we need to get by. I do have a lot of things that I like as they make life easier. I try not to just accumulate that "stuff" though. Food, I buy with abandon. I'll eat it. Stuff, I really don't like. It's too expensive and I normally don't use it as much as I thought I would.

It's good you don't have regrets. They can drag you down if you let them. Hey, now you're out there on an adventure! Enjoy it as much as you can.

Lol that Mexican man having a siesta surprised me hahahahha but it was a good kind of surprised.

We are conditioned that we need to be busy, to be multi-tasking or else be branded as lazy as not putting the effort.

In the corporate setting if you go home before your boss then you tagged as not doing enough. You are also expected to come in early.

I have resisted that culture and always tell my people to go home on time, to enjoy their lives and to have other things besides work.

They need to enjoy their life and self-love.

haha I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was "good" surprised too when I finally saw it!

I'm glad you encourage your people to have a life other than work. No one on their death bed ever said, "I wish I would have worked more".

Hope you're doing well today my friend. I think of you daily!

True that we need to enjoy life as well as save for the future but to do that by giving up having fun, traveling and having experiences by just focusing on your career will result in burn out.

howdy there from Texas @lynncoyle1 did you guys move to Mexico? well I agree with all three great comments so far.. "the art of relaxation" is a lost art but I think we'll find it again when the grid goes down!

So true! We did move here but go "home" as required for our citizenship and Mexican laws. But I consider this "home" right now for sure.

where are you, what city and what is it like?
hey I just looked at the contest because I've been out working on
our property all day and with church, plus I figured I'd be lucky to
be in the top ten so I was shocked when i saw the results!
you're right behind me though.
I look at Glens' comment length numbers and just shake my head! lol

Glen's in another league altogether lol but I wasn't totally surprised to see you up there! Nice work :) I felt like I did all I could this past week, but Brian said I took a couple of days off, so who knows really. I'm happy being in the top three. First place comes with its' pressures of keeping that spot weekly :)

We are in a place just south of Cancun. It's touristy, so safe, but we live in the more authentic Mexican area and love it. The prices of everything is so cheap compared to Canada, the people and atmosphere are awesome. It's just "simple" and with Brian's health, it's what we need. No stress. Just living.

I've heard it was wonderful in some of the expat communities there.
did you move because of Brian's health situation?
from Canada to Mexico, can you get any more different? lol

as far as the contest, if you took a couple of days off, wow, then first place
next week should be easy!
I got so much work to do around our place that I might not be so involved in Steemit but hopefully I can stay in the top ten.

This was where we had always wanted to retire, but because of Brian's health, we just moved our plans "forward" a bit.

I normally take a couple days a week off; the break always 'rejuvenates' me a bit 😂 I'm sure you'll stay in the top 10!

howdy @lynncoyle1 and thanks for getting back to me..well I don't want to be nosy so just ignore
any questions you don't want to answer but that is such a drastic move, the one to Mexico, did you sell
your house and buy one there?
and do they have everything that you would have here like stores and restaurants and things? I have no idea, I don't know anyone who's ever lived there so this is fascinating to me.

We sold everything except one small storage locker with items that really are irreplaceable. Here we just rent; I know a lot of folks who've purchased homes here, but the rent is so cheap and our life so precarious, that I didn't want to be locked into anything. There is absolutely everything here because this is a main tourist destination, even a Wal-mart, but I try to shop local whenever I can. We live a bit out of the main tourist area, because truthfully, that "scene" just gets tiring. People come here on vacation and want to have's great for a week, but nothing we need to be around 24-7!!

I have no problems answering any questions by the way :)

Thank you for sharing this! Many of us need such a reminder. We only try to make money but don't think about ourselves and people around us. We believe we can catch up tomorrow or the day after. But it's the work that will be there tomorrow and can wait 😊

That's it exactly @delishtreats!! No one on their death bed ever says, "I wish I would have worked more" :)

LOL thats great . If I was there I would have pulled up a chair real quiet and napped away right there in that shop 😴.

materialism has taken over . we need to have all the new and latest gadgets . The big refrigerator to hold the food until we throw most of it away .
When you come right down to it we really don't need that much money to survive and be happy .

haha glad you enjoyed it. I can just imagine you having a little nap beside him :)

When you come right down to it we really don't need that much money to survive and be happy .

We came here with a backpack each, one suitcase and our cat, and have managed to live with that "stuff" and have only bought a few kitchen things that weren't included in the "furnished" apartment. So true, we need very little. We may want a whole lot more. That's the problem:)

You don't need a lot of stuff and every time you get something it cost you because then you need someting else to go along with it . a never ending cycle

exactly! If you mentally buy into the fact that "things" are a "must have", then you're doomed!

Yes and it goes deeper then that . You buy a lawn mower . Then you need a gas can . of course the weedeater is next because the grass has to be trimed . A larger gate to get the mower in all the spaces. The apareal , gloves boots and on and on .
You can't buy anything that is stand alone . You have to get all the atachments also

Well @wolfhart, bush management is important. Oh wait, that's a different post, isn't it? 😎

Yes it is a well trimmed bush not only looks good but promotes ........

...growth and activity.

Really I thought the write up may be too serious that I was preparing me for myself for a serious reading.,,Please note I was not undermining your post...but was trying to tell that a point you proved with a live example in a simple way...

There is also another way to fund those little time...Time management is sometimes helps to find those precious time...And now i was remembering whatever happen in job the rest time of lunch break I used to isolate my self from others to close my eyes and relax for half an hour every day...

Thanks for this post

Please note I was not undermining your post

No worries, I understand exactly what you're saying here :)

Time management is a great way to "carve" out that time in the day just for you! Thanks for the great comment :)

hahah..good reply..there is everything in it...Thanks

Yes, I think you point out a very good thing : that there is nothing wrong with Relaxing and it's actually very healthy. That guy definitely has the right idea. Thanks @lynncoyle1

You are most welcome @robertandrew. I think he's got it all figured out :) He must make enough money to live, but unlike Canada and the US, people here don't seem to buy all kinds of "stuff". They buy what they "need" and that's it. Seems the way to go :)

It seems to me there is busy, and there is purpose. Maybe the two get confused. Having time to spend with my boys as they got into the middle and latter stages of their childhood was some of the best times I remember of them growing up. I could have spent more time at the office, or figured out something more to do, but being around them was more important. There were probably times they wished I wasn't there, and there were probably times I could have slacked off, but I figured what was the sense of having children if I wasn't going to do what I could to be around them. What would be all the time at the office for if I lost out on watching them grow and helping them through those stages.

I'm sure I could have done some things better, and there needs to be quality along with quantity, but I'd probably do what I did all over again if I had the chance. Especially since I can see how they're turning out. :)

but I figured what was the sense of having children if I wasn't going to do what I could to be around them.

That's exactly what I used to say, and when mine were little, I took a few years off teaching because I thought why bother having them if I'm not going to raise them. I was fortunate to have been able to make that choice; I know for many, working is a necessity.

Perhaps. I mean, now it's much harder to raise a family on one salary than it even was when we were raising our boys, but then, the same could be said about our time and when we were being raised by our parents. My Dad worked, my Mom stayed at home with us, and then later she got a job while my sisters were still in high school.

So, I don't know. It's a trade off. Quality of living versus being there and doing those things that only a loving parent (in this case full credit goes to you moms), can provide for their children. They might not understand it fully, or be able to explain it beyond feelings, but kids want to be with their parents, not stuck in a daycare or some after school program.

It might not be the easiest of situations, and of course, there are plenty of single parents who really don't have much choice other than to work, and sometimes multiple jobs, but even in some of those situations, there are grandparents or other relatives who do have a vested interest in the children. So, again, there's need and then there's something beyond that.

This is nice, I wish a friend would see this. He works so much without rest and sometimes i get scared he'd break down.

I'm sorry to hear that. You can't change people though, but you can encourage them to do otherwise :)