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RE: My One And Only Successful Foray Into Business: How It Began

in #life6 years ago

You're post made me feel like when I'm watching something on tv, and at the really good part, I find out it's a "to be continued" thing! UGH!!

Because this is not about me however, I will say that I was feeling your pain during this post. Going into business with a friend is a tricky thing, and I'm so sorry that you were left this way. It's akin to your spouse walking out on you and you never really no why.

Not that I know you that well Glen, but you seem to have things figured out most of the time, so I'm very curious to read part 2. When might I expect it? Because now, I'm completely emotionally invested, and yes, it is about me a little bit :)


Well, this one took longer to pound out than I was hoping, and then I ended up with more text than I expected, so I decided I'd better split it into two posts before it became a monster.

re: business with friends

Yeah. I don't think I would do a partnership under any circumstances again. If I did, it would have to be short lived. I've tried to do some things with another friend. They didn't pan out, but we're still friends, so I'm happy about that.

I think there was a need for better communication, and I really think there was some pressure coming from his wife for some reason, but that's just a feeling I had. We had a really good thing and he just walked away from it.

Oh, well. That's been 16 years ago almost. I don't think about it really. Writing this brought a lot of it back, of course.

As far as when the next one might be, I'm not entirely sure. I will try for Friday evening, like this one. I'm hoping it won't take so long.

I had a feeling his wife maybe had something to do with it too @glenalbrethsen; or at least a feeling that it's what you were thinking.

Writing about things really does bring all that emotional stuff back up to the surface, doesn't it?! That you for revisiting it all for us.

No rush; take your time and do it when it works for you. I just got caught up in the moment haha and really was making a joke 😅

No, it's okay. I've been promising mazzle for months now I would write about this, since he was having his own bouts with a business. I just kind of sat down and this came out today, so while I'd been thinking about it for a while, it wasn't specifically planned for it to happen now. But now that this part is out, there's no reason to let it prolong other than to stagger it a little bit.

Hey, it's okay for things to be about you. You can have that, joke or not. I think we all should have things be about us every now and then. After that, it's back to it being about everybody else, but hey, we get a moment in the spotlight. :)

Well, as I said, I'm not sure, but there would seem to be decisions made when we would wrap up in the evening that would be unmade the next morning. A lot of it wasn't such a big deal, but I would wonder why. Still wondering why. But in reality, I don't think she was that into the business as long as there was plenty of money to do all she'd like to do. Anyway, I like her and can't blame her for having a vested interest. I would have just liked to be clued into things.

I expected to feel more, really, but it didn't happen. The second part ends less than six years ago, though, and I know in a recent conversation I had with someone who hadn't heard the tale that it was a little rawer still. Maybe if I talk it all out it will go away. I seriously don't think about it that much. There was a lot of baggage with the business that I'm glad to be done with. I just don't like how it all went down, with me having the least say.

How's that for a teaser? :)

but there would seem to be decisions made when we would wrap up in the evening that would be unmade the next morning.

That does sound like the wife intervening and he was probably too embarrassed to say it. Tough spot he was in too I'm assuming, and I would also think that he has some baggage from it as well. If he was the kind of friend that you described, I can't imagine any of it was easy for him either.

Damn wives. They get in the way some times :)

I think if you spill it all out here though, it will probably "go away". I always feel like when you write it all down, it's just out of your system.

Yep. Nice nice teaser. You and headchange outta get together :)

I definitely got the conflicted vibe from him. There was so much more that could have been said that wasn't. You don't always clam up because you want to. You do it out of loyalty to someone else. Anyway, as I said, I don't know what went on at home. I also know he genuinely thought he was going to drag me down with him. There was something about him and success that didn't quite jive. Like he was more afraid of it than failure. I don't know. Something like that.

It may very well help it to go away. I haven't really written it before, though I've told some of it, but mostly to my wife. So, maybe it's time for it to all go. And of course, this is just my side, with memory fading and not trying to get into most of the gory details, or highlighting all the good times, for that matter.

Like he was more afraid of it than failure. I don't know. Something like that.

That's interesting. Some people are like that. It's easier to quit, then it is to succeed or fail.

So, maybe it's time for it to all go.

Sounds like it to me :) I'm looking forward to it, whenever it comes out.

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