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RE: Do not read - 17 new ones

in #they6 years ago

Oops, and I understand what you are saying about comments :)

But what were you getting at that I should do differently; truthfully, I haven't looked that closely at the tables. And just so you know, glenalbrethsen is back in the race this week for prizes :)


Ah, that's nice to have Glen back!

You're right let's focus on how to get a bit higher in the league without putting much more time in it.

First thing is to get a bit more replies to replies. We are both getting at least a few in our conversation. Further you could think about if you want to write very short last replies. Something like "thanks" or "great to know"

The other important own is upvoting. Because I don't know the exact formula, I can only guess that having both more upvotes as well as unique upvotes gets you more points. I personally think that a higher number of unique upvotes helps best. But that is just my feeling.

Replies to replies! Gotcha :) And yes, upvotes; I always wish I had more to give! I did notice the second level replies in the leagues. I'm at a disadvantage now this week; one day off for fun, and yesterday off because Brian wasn't feeling very well at all. Oh well, such is life.

Thank you for the suggestions @crypto-econom1st :)

No problem at all!
I hope Brian is a bit better now?

I think we should see this on the long term perspective. If it doesn't help this week, then perhaps a next time.

This week I might be a very nice test case. As I think I wrote more replies to replies then ever.

Yes, Brian is feeling better today. Thank you :)

I will be curious to see your results! Thank you for taking the time to do this with me too :)

I'm also curious to see. But don't expect to much. Top10 would already be a miracle.

No thanks, I'm just having fun. And part of that would be to see no one winning the league 10 consecutive times.
Good to have Glenn back. He will probably also prevent that from happening.

About the upvoting, do you use auto upvoting?

Yes, I have a few groups on auto upvote as well as some individuals. Last week, I cancelled them when my voting power got way too low, and then I forgot to set it back up haha

I don't know how auto voting precisely works. But let's assume I'm correct that a high number of unique upvotes gets you more points for the league, then I would suggest to let auto upvoting do its work by upvoting as many as possible for the lowest possible voting power.

Concrete this could mean giving upvotes for 0.5% VP. If it works you would give 200 upvotes for 1 full upvote. If you do that only once or twice a week or would probably help quite a bit.

I always thought you could tell the auto voting tool to start voting as soon as your voting power is above a certain percentage? That should do the trick.

Actually, I think you are right about that. I'll just have to check the settings. Good idea too!

I should actually check out myself. Cause I don't know if I can give small small upvotes while I don't have 500 SP?
But by trying it I will probably discover that.

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