Our Son's Visit!!

in #family6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone!

We had such a fantastic week with our son Patrick, and Brian managed the week like a real trooper! My son works in the hospitality industry and has to stay clean shaven, so this week he said, absolutely no razors :) We hadn't seen each other in over a year and a half, so this reunion was a long time coming!

He has been to Playa before, so this time it was all about hanging out at home, some quick trips to the beach or local shops, and cooking together, which we've loved to do ever since Patrick was a little guy. Such great new memories were made!

We did make our way to the beach one day, but Brian tired quickly, which made it easy to grab a seat on some loungers at the cantina nearby to enjoy some fresh seafood and sunshine, which of course I forgot to take a picture of :) I was too busy just enjoying time with my two guys!

Brian managed remarkably well even though he pushed himself all week, but since Patrick left on Monday, he's been exhausted and resting a lot! He says it was all totally worth it though :) Patrick also enjoyed his time immensely and plans to return in March with his girlfriend, who we' ve not yet met except through Facetime. I have to admit though, it was great having him all to ourselves on this trip :) Spoken like a true mom, I know!

Brian continues on the same path healthwise, as my last post, but he's no worse either, which I always see as good sign ... I'm an eternal optimist, so really, I have absolutely no choice!

I'm back on steemit, judging in our Pay it Forward Curation Contest (@pifc), and will squeeze in what I can, when I can; I can't believe how much I've missed all of you ... I just can't seem to totally stay away :) Besides, Brian loves when I read him different posts, or fill him on on new things here! It's like the visit from our son has rejuvenated him a little, and that alone, makes me smile :)

What also makes us both smile is the love, prayers, thoughts, positive vibes and support from our last post! You guys really are incredible!!



Almost missed this...looks like you had a good time. Love that you got to spend time with your son...also glad you are back to @pifc...lol.

Think that Brian pushing himself for a week enjoying time with family is probably what makes the bad times he suffers worth it. Obviously each day he wakes up and sees you makes it worth the pain, but those extra special times when he gets to take part in another memory that everyone will have long term has to be something that helps keep him fighting.

That's exactly it! And he taught Patrick how to drive our scooter too; it's got gears, not just a start and go. Anyway, Patrick was thrilled and I know it's something neither of them will ever forget :)

lol...just learning to drive a scooter...what a sheltered life. But talk about a perfect little life event that they got to share because Brian keeps fighting. Love it!

haha he's driven a scooter before, but just not one with gears :) His grin was just like when he was a little kid though!

Ah, lovely, Lynn! I am so glad for you all. Brian is looking very chipper!

I hope that you have some special plans for Christmas?

Tom and I send good wishes and love to you all!

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Hey @fionasfavourites :) Thank you so much for that! and actually, that was our Christmas :)

Seriously though, our landlord and the tenant down below (also from Canada), are both on their own, so I think I'll make a nice feast for us all that we can enjoy on the patio here :) I've spent a couple of Christmases on my own in the past, and it can be dreadfully depressing, so I've always made sure to drag any single ones over to my place now when I'm able :)

Hope you and yours are well!

@lynncoyle1 - I thought as much!

We also do waifs and strays (as I call it) because when I was single and much younger and not in my home town, I was always welcomed into people's homes at Christmas. The least I can do is to pay it forward - a tradition Tom had to accept as part of the package!

Yes, Christmas can be an awful time for folk on their own, and a few folk I know have had really bad years and not looking forward to the festive season. That said, it's been a tough one for us, so I'm looking at the end of the year as bringing a new beginning. So....

Thanks for your wishes and enjoy - whatever it is you do!

waifs and strays ... love it! I figured you'd do the same too :)

I'm hoping that the new year brings better times for you and yours @fionasfavourites! Merry Christmas :)

That kid's got his daddy's knees!

Thanks for the update. I love this from the heart of my bottom!

hahaha @kerrywolf! That's hilarious ... knees, the lasting legacy :) Thanks for the great comment!

Very cool. It’s good to see your mugs on my phone screen. Family time is the best time and what better way to do it then in playa…!? Good to see you @lynncoyle1. 😉

Thank you so much @puravidaville! Nice to see you too, and you're absolutely right...what better place than Playa?! He didn't want to leave and is currently trying to figure out a way to come and live here :)

Oh that would be so awesome! Dandays and I are off to our new land in January. If he doesn’t have children, then he should def jump at the opportunity to experience life somewhere else. Shooot, even if he does have kids- go for it. Happy holidays Lynn and Brian :)

January will be here before you know it! So exciting :) And no, he doesn't have kids, or any real responsibility (just his job that he's happy to give up :), so I told him to do it before life gets too serious!

Happy Holidays to you guys too !!

Mom, with the great advice… for sure… this may be the only time in his life where he can take such a chance and it’s not so risky being you guys are there. I hope he jumps :) Merry Christmas to you and Brian.

I hope so too :)

Oh how happy you all look!
I'm so happy for you too!
Sounded like the boost you needed.
Glad to see you back here and on PIFC!

Thank you so much @porters!! It was such a great boost indeed :) And is it you I have to thank for the go fund contribution? I'm guessing from the name on it that it is <3 <3

Yes it was me, just a small contribution.

Well thank you so much, from both of us! It means plenty <3

You're welcome!

Great to hear you had such an awesome time!
It must have been wonderful to see them again, after such a long time apart.

Always love to her from you, and - lol - apparently I'm not the only one if I take a look at the comments section.

So I'll keep it short. Give Brian a big hug, and ask him to give you one from me!!

Thank you @simplymike :) It was so awesome!!

I feel so fortunate and thankful for the support too from everyone here; it really can be such an amazing place! I love your new profile pic too ... so cute!

Brian and I both send hugs back <3


Hey Lynn and Brian,

It's wonderful to hear that you guys are having some fun and, as you can see, everybody's glad whenever you get a chance to say Hi.

Lynn, I have included a recipe for Quill's Whale Tail Stew. Not only is it delicious, it has magical properties that would have impressed Merlin. The trick is to get fresh Whale Tail ... and Lynn, I know how your mind works ... I mean that 'literally,' not figuratively ... you're a married woman.

There is a high concentration of chemicals in Whale Tail called 'bastardoids.' But a word to the wise ... while bastardoids have the ability to cure all that which ails, they may have some rather bizarre 'qualitative' side-effects.

For example, you may suddenly find it impossible to distinguish between a manuscript written by Shakespeare ... and the toilet paper with which he used to wipe his ass.

Anyway ... Bon Appetit.


hahaha Quill, you really are a kick! :) If anyone knows tail and bastardoids, it's you my friend :) I might not be able to find whale tail here, but dolphin for sure, and I think there's a whole other host of fun with dolphins that we haven't even considered yet!


If anyone knows tail ... it's you

Alas, I have a lot of experience with 'tales' ... not so much, 'tails.'


haha I know, you're one of a dying breed; the last of the Romantics :)

WHAT a glorious visit!!!
I have to say, Brain is looking good- all things considered- and as you said, he's not worse.

You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

awww thank you @goldendawne! I think Brian looks great too, but he says it's a good thing, cus you should see how I feel :) He's kept a sense of humor which can't hurt either !

I'm so happy for you that you finally got to see Patrick after all this time ad that Brian was able to enjoy himself too.

You all look great in the photographs.

I know exactly what you mean about having Patrick to yourself. That's how I felt when just the 4 of us went to Gozo earlier this year. It's such a rare occurrence these days.

I hope Brian continues to have a restful week.

Sending heaps of love as always. 💙

Hey there @gillianpearce! Thank you for that; it really was such a special time, and yes, you get it ... time with your own kids and no one else becomes a real rarity as they get older. I'm glad you had that too!

I'm looking at Brian now, relaxing and reading in his new recliner chair, which he loves because it's one of the few places he sits and feels comfortable and has less pain ... early Christmas present :)

Lots of love back to you; hope you're doing well!

great to see your happy reunion! :) <3

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