Ode to my friends on steemit! How did I become so attached to everyone??

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


So I've been on steemit for exactly 87 days today, and it feels like that time has simply flown by. I was thinking about just that a few days ago, when it hit me like a brick in the face...there are so many people I've become emotionally attached to here!

How exactly did that happen?? I guess it goes back to the idea of being your true self on here, and being truly genuine. I realised that I have become emotionally invested, and I see that as a good thing. It simply means that I care about the platform as a whole, but more importantly, I care about the people on it!

It's the kind of caring and attachment that has me randomly thinking of people throughout the day, like:

  • @davemccoy, I wonder if you're seeing your mom today; you're a great son, one I'd like my son's to grow up to be like
  • or when I'm at the beach, I think @beeyou would love this, because I know she loves the ocean
  • @thedarkhorse, is his office still clutter-free and what's he focusing on now?
  • @abh12345, is he in his one pair of jeans, analyzing numbers for all of us?
  • @themanwithnoname, thank god he found his wedding ring, and what's he going to say today to make me laugh?
  • @bashadow ...what is Alaska really like?
  • @apolymask, how excited are you about your game today? and how sweet it is to promote your dad, @irvinesimages for all of his amazing photos
  • @jaynie, are you still able to live off of steemit? ...I hope so!!
  • @hitmeasap, have you paid off more bills to be able to go to school?
  • @traciyork, how many gifs are you going to create today to make me smile?
  • @rwedegis, where are you travelling to now? another lucky guy!!
  • @taskmaster4450, where's your inspiration for STEEM coming from today? because I look forward to that!
  • @amariespeaks, what's your reading going to tell me next Tuesday?
  • @charisma777, how is your son doing?
  • @kismet2018, what words of wisdom will you send my way to help me deal with everything I've got going on at home with @briancourteau (my love!)
  • @zord189, you're always there at 2 in the morning when I can't sleep and you talk to me even though I know you're so busy at work!
  • @spiritualmax what turn is your game going to take next?...and now you have me thinking of Portugal :)
  • @deancarter, my buddy here in Playa!! How come I don't see you more??
  • @lyndsaybowes, what are your #chickensbitchez and Peter Parker and Mr. Pendock up to today?
  • @lidac, how's the cleaning business going, and are you still run off your feet?
  • @amarbir, how many bananas have you eaten today?
  • @raymondspeaks, what kind of crazy questions is that group of @steemitbloggers going to ask you today?
  • @insideoutlet and @shai-hulud, my new friends at @asapers; when's the big shave day for your cancer fundraiser?
  • @gilleanpearce, have you set that timer to get your behind out of your computer chair every now and again? :)
  • @newbieresteeday ...my first family here...I could make a separate post about all of you!
  • @steemitbloggers ...my second family here...what would I do without you guys??!!
  • @simplymike, now that I know you're in Belgium, I'm going to see you for sure when I visit relatives there!
  • @wwf, what selfless cause are you working towards now?
  • @mikepm74, I know you disagree, but I still think of you as a "big guy" here :)
  • @jayclar30, another recent friend with all kinds of insight on me and Brian's personal struggles
  • @five34a4b, who has commented on nearly every single post I've ever written!
  • @terminallyill, another recent connection based on my personal story with @briancourteau, but it's turned into so much more, like having yet another family at @greetersguild
  • @helpie, the newest group I've joined...their name says it all ;)
  • @tifaong, who else would I talk relationship stuff with?
  • @fibrefox, who always says the right things!
  • @beekerst, what awesome woodworking thing are you working on now?
  • @glenalbrethsen, what crazy comics are you writing now...and my go-to-guy for research!
  • @galenkp, who genuinely popped into me and Brian's life here; I can always count on you for wise words!
  • @goldendawne, my expert go-to gal for steemit questions and loamy soil ones too ;)
  • @smylie2005, everyone needs a good ol' Texan in their life, y'all ;)
  • @drkent, a very recent friend who reminded me to live with my eyes open!
  • @coolguy123, who always is so cool and encouraging :)
  • @c0ff33a, what magical cup of joe are you brewing up today? and thanks for the coffee education!
  • @cryptkeeper17 and @jorlauski, how will you 'egg' on @themanwithnoname today? :)
  • @foxyspirit, one day we'll have a great talk over a beer...or two, for sure!
  • @silentdiscourse, so glad you let me "take you under my wing" ;)
  • @grolelo, when are you hopping off that hamster wheel? :)
  • @happycrazycon, what accidental photo will be laugh about next?
  • @donkeypong, a fairly recent find, how will you make my brain spin today? :)
  • @magicalmoonlight, where will you spread your magic today?
  • @livinguktaiwan, we met in the beginning of this journey and have stuck together!
  • @quillfire, my muse when I need some poetry to dream about and my go-to when I need encouragement to have a glass of wine;)
  • @deliberator, what rant are you gearing up for today? ;)
  • @wanderlass, where would newbie be without you, or me and Brian for that matter? :)

I could go on and on, but I won't ;) Truthfully, I've been sitting on this post for a couple of days because I didn't want it to seem like I was simply name dropping, but those of you who really know me, know that my emotions here are genuine...actually my emotions everywhere are ;) And, I was so worried about leaving someone out! If I missed you, please don't take it personally! Simply drop me a note in the comments...I'll make it up to you I promise ;)


This exercise taught me a couple of things ...

  • Always take the time to really appreciate those people in our online and offline life who mean something to us. Take the time to let them know you care and that they are important to you. Trust me, I know how short and unfair life can be, and you really don't want to be left one day thinking, "hmmm, I wish I would have told insert name here how much he meant to me!".

  • And specific to steemit, let your "friends" know they mean something to you. Drop by their post, leave a nice comment, or message them on Discord just to say hi. We never really know how our actions affect someone, but what I am sure of, is that a positive message will always bring about an equally positive feeling and response in another human being.

Let's all remember to keep the in humanity here ;)

Steem on everyone, and maybe consider creating your own Ode to my Friends on Steemit... it might make you and them smile!



center>Steemit Bloggers

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THANK YOU for the mention! I can see I am in fabulous company with ALL THESE people you mentioned.

I doubt @anh12345 is working in jeans- more than likely a pair of beach shorts... @wwf- yes.. always involved in some wonderful pay it forward initiative... and so MANY more people I know personally! GREAT selection!

You are so welcome @goldendawne! I too think we are in "fabulous company";)

...and you're right, @abh12345 is probably in shorts haha and @wwf, who knows? but it would be something selfless and worthwhile for sure!

I'm so glad I met you early on in my steemit journey :)

How in the world does a guy get a reputation like this? hahaha. I may need to hit a bank just to put the record straight! You both are awesome! I am humbled by your words. <3

haha @wwf...now you've done it! I need to add humble to my list of adjectives for you;)

We all have days that we need someone to chat at, or with, or we have something we want to share or a chip on our shoulder we need removed. I have met so so many wonderful people from literally all over the world. I may not get to talk at or to them often, but so so many. From Australia then over to Argentina and S. America up both coast sides, to Alaska and those coastal routes meeting up at in Nome. Then Russia, just a little hop and skip over Little Diomede Island, SO many peoples so many coast so many rivers. I hope we never forget the Human in Humanity also.

I hope we're not the only ones so amazed with that!! Every day I think the same thing...I've just travelled the world, again, tonight! It's so mind boggling really ;)

And you're right, each of us at some point needs something, and we can all so easily give it! I believe you always have the 'human' in humanity @bashadow; but I hope along with you, for those who seem to forget.

Based on my brief time here experiencing your kind patience and reading your words, I suspect you are a very special human @bashadow! Pleasure to know you!!!

oh @kismet2018, he is indeed a very wise soul!

Lynn, what a beautiful Ode to my friends post. You added that personal element by describing the individual's interest or life. I love the ocean and only someone who would take the time to read my posts or comments would know that.

Truly a lovely post and I hope everyone sees the love behind your words.

Thank you so much @beeyou! It really did come from my heart ;) And I guess you're right, some people don't actually read everything, but as you said, I do and I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I needed to be emotionally invested to really want to continue every day here, because as you are well aware, some days it feels like a lot haha

Thank you again for such kind words!

I think many of us are still on here because of the emotional aspect of steemit. It surely is not about the post payout. We can make more a day making minimum wage elsewhere!

That's so true!! Brian was getting discouraged about it all and went to play online slots, which he loves. He won $500 US! I said he made more money than I have here; and if I factor in the hours I've spent, I'd say it's about 1/4 of minimum wage haha

...so yes, emotional it is ;)

Yes, @beeyou! I remember when we first "met", in early days, we established we were "Ocean Children"!

@lynncoyle1 that humid, salty air and surf are things fantasies are made of - especially when the "Ocean Child" is landlocked, thousands of miles away from salty water, living on The Prairies ... The majesty of the Canadian Rockies make up for it!

@kismet2018, so you're an "Ocean Child" too, and stuck in the Prairies...what a crying shame haha

You're right though...I never tired of looking at those mountains!!

Yes, @lynncoyle1 I am very much an "Island Girl" to the depths of my innards - hehe. The majestic Rockies are beautifully distracting! I can almost forget that I am profoundly landlocked and very far away from salty Surf and Air!

Thank you for your hospitality and invitation!

I know, and I love it when I run into my ocean gals @kismet2018 and @lynncoyle1. We all have to make a paradise get together one day, perhaps to visit @lynncoyle1 in her slice of paradise. ;)

@beeyou... one of your best ideas ever !!!

Anytime girls, my door is always open, and so will the drinks be haha

Whoaaa ... what a delicious idea, @beeyou!! Btw, I am missing you!!!! The nerve of life to interrupt Steemit - hehe ⚘

@lynncoyle1, how very observant, tender-hearted and appreciative you are! You have taken the time to get to know your friends here.

As for "words of wisdom", Girl, I can't promise that. What I can share with you is the tough way to do life, and the easier way! The inevitability of pain and loss is no match for the resilience of the human spirit!

Thank you for sharing your story and journey with us!

Resteemed, Upvoted

aww @kismet2018, you always make me smile!! And you are so right, and obvious proof of

the resilience of the human spirit!

You are welcome, and thank you for sharing your story as well!! I love that this place is such a safe and positive place for us to do just that!

Thanks for the resteem and upvote as well; always appreciated!!

Hope you're having an awesome weekend!

What I see here is gratitude; A post by someone showing genuine gratitude towards others who have impacted her life in some way, large or small. I also see openness, candor and respect. Overall it’s a good post. Simple, but effective.

As one of the people on your list in this post I can say I am genuinely pleased to be there and that I’ve also enjoyed engaging with you and hope to do so into the future @lynncoyle1

This is what steemit should be about.

I’m going to resteem this and see if I can get you some more support. I’ll also take a look at the users you mention, a couple of whom I follow now anyway.

All the best for the weekend!

Thank you so much @galenkp; your perceptions are very kind indeed!!

This is what steemit should be about.

I will continue to do what I hope steemit will be.

Thank you so much for the resteem; as always, I appreciate your support! I hope you find some new people to follow here as well...there's talent there for sure!

And buddy, this is just the beginning of a long and engaging relationship! ;)

Have an awesome weekend!

What a lovely post from a lovely lady! The farmgirl in Mexico has outdone herself here! It shows the depth of connections and the feelings we share for each other! Well done, well done!

ps.. I'm always keep thinking, is @lynncoyle1 going toplay hooky and hit the beach waters today? But the funny thing is, you always find the time to show up and spread some of your love. My respect because I'm not sure I could make that choice! :)

@davemccoy, thanks so much for the kind words...I can hear how proud you are and I appreciate that!!

...and Brian and I were at the beach today haha, and as you know, enjoyed a few drinks on the way home! But in the evenings, I always start thinking about all my friends here ;)

awww that is so awesome... I'm glad you two are getting out and having fun! That makes me very happy Lynn! :)

And yes, I have proud of you and you have my full respect!!!

Thank you so much!! We even went out last night and listened to some Reggae and had a couple drinks. Poor Brian is exhausted today though, but it was totally worth it!!

And my pride and respect...Right back atcha buddy!!

That is so so cool! I'm very happy to hear that! :)

and thank you too ;)

@lynncoyle, I wish I had seen this earlier! I should have been the first one to comment on such kindness! I am truly honored to be among this impressive list of Steemians. Know this girl, the very next time I enter the wood shop I will be thinking of you! Thank you for including me in your list of friends!

Hey 1st to respond, middle, or last all means the same to me!! Thank you!

You deserve to be on this list like everyone else and I'll be curious to see what you end up creating with me as your muse ;)

Your comment really did make me smile! Thank you!

I can only agree with everything you say. When I first came to SteemIt, I thiught it would just be another blogging platform. Boy, was I wrong..
Little by little I started to ‘know’ some people, and although I don’t know everyone as good as you seem to do, I do consider them as my friends, my family, my ‘tribe’.
I never thought something like this would be possible online.

I know, right?? I have always been a good listener in real life, and I think that goes a long way here as well, especially when commenting; I find there are so many opportunities while commenting to find out things or ask people questions, that may not necessarily coincide with the post topic.

The fact that so much of everything here is positive, unlike most other social media platforms. You and I both know there's some negatives here, like you getting hacked for example, but what I noticed was the outpouring of concern and help that went your way when it did.

I too had no idea what to expect here, but I can tell you, I never expected all of this. It continues to be a very pleasant surprise!

I could not agree more. The negatives just dhow how strong the community is. I’ve said it before: the hacking was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Not only for the extra exposure and the followers it gained me, but because of all the warm words and the support. On top of that, it gives me the ability to help people to reinstate their account (almost daily).
Another example is the @friendsofgondor initiative... Although the flagging war is a negative thing, a lot of people are willing to give their support to fight the good fight (not really ‘fight’ of course, but you know what I mean...)

Hey I totally agree about the @friendsofgondor initiative...good ol' @davemccoy, coming up with such a positive way to help a very negative (albeit necessary) situation!

And I hadn't heard you say the hacking was a good thing in the end...but I totally get how it has become one! It's so crappy that people daily are getting hacked, but you're right...the opportunity to educate is always so rewarding!

I'm helping some other people to get their reputation back, but it's not easy to get all the flaggers to take their flag back. I'm still under the impression that a lot of fellow Steemians don't even know what is going on...

For sure... a lot aren't aware until something happens to them...

It's really amazing how in a short time of chatting with people online and reading their posts you can grow an emotional attachment to people who you have never met in person. Yet there is no question it happens and they are friendships that are born.

I've had offers from 2 different people on Steemit that if I want to visit their Country that myself and my family could stay with them to save money...amazing that a connection strong enough to open your doors to someone could happen online. Add in a number of others who have said that if I visit their area we need to meet up and it makes me want to keep coming back each day to see what everyone is up to.

Look forward to one day having the chance to start meeting some of these great people in person. Also getting to visit all the places in the world that they have exposed me to via their posts.

Without question I need to figure out a trip to Mexico to grab a bucket or two with you and Brian.

It's so true!! There's nothing more sacred than your home and the trust that develops to open those doors is really amazing. Brian and I have talked about how awesome it would be to travel the world and visit all the steemians we've met here...sounds crazy but I'd venture to guess we're not the only ones who have thought about it!

And there will always be several buckets of beer and an umbrella drink for your wife whenever you decide to come here :)

I know you aren't the only ones to think about it as I'm right there with you. Guessing that as more friendships are formed more and more meetups will happen allowing steemians to meet face to face.

And there will always be several buckets of beer and an umbrella drink for your wife whenever you decide to come here :)

and there is always plenty of beer and a deep dish pizza here for you if you make it to Chicago.

We love Chicago! You're officially on our list of new steemian friends to visit !!

Anytime you can make it just let me know.

Oh no my banner doesnt work very well. Thibk i need to recheck it. I broke it on the phone lol.

As for shave day! Its tomorrow, im silently terrified but know I'll love his bald head as much as his curls cause although those curls got this girl, its the man than made this woman stay. 💜💜💜

I admire your courage daily and we are blessed you love online people as much as offline ones.

hahaha knowing my history, it's my mistake that the banner isn't working properly!!

Tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see him, because you're right about those curls wink wink, but in true form, your love shines through,

its the man than made this woman stay. 💜💜💜

Thank you for your kind words! I'm blessed to have met such nice people like yourself ;)

oh no my banner doesnt work very well.

Oh, So we are going to get to see the baldy fella? hehe

Yep @jan23com we will add a video probably sunday. 😁