Good News and Bad News in the life of lynncoyle1 and briancourteau

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

I know that I've said it before, but I think I'll begin every post with...

Thank you everyone for your continued love and support. You all amaze me!! :)


I've always liked to hear the Bad News first, so here it goes:

Has anyone heard of Burning Mouth Syndrome?

For the last few days, Brian's entire mouth and tongue have been inflamed, red, and unbelievably painful. He does have tumors on his tongue, so we thought it was that, but after visits to the doctor yesterday and today, he's been told he has Burning Mouth Syndrome, and besides Lidocaine Cream to numb things a bit, there doesn't seem to be any medications for it. I went online to research more, but then I thought, that I have all kinds of great people at my fingertips here, so what better people to ask, than you?! @gjones15 mentioned Apple Cider Vinegar, the doctor said stay away from spicy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol and cinnamon, but that's about all we have to go on at the moment.

Any advice, personal experience or tips you have would be greatly appreciated by both of us!


So here's the Good News. We moved to a new apartment yesterday, just a few blocks away from our old one, but this one is on a raised first floor as opposed to the third, so that means a lot less stairs for Brian to have to manage. It also has a lovely little pool so that he can soak his tired bones in throughout the day when necessary. We are spending more and more time at home now, so I must admit that I am happy to be able to wander around a bit outside of our four walls and still be nearby if he needs me for anything. As you are well aware, I don't like to venture too far in case Brian has a seizure. Thanks to all of you and @davemccoy's fundraiser, we've got enough meds to last a long while, so hopefully there will be less seizures in our days. Thank you again. (I'm going to keep saying that forever :)

Here's the spiral staircase/death trap in our old apartment and Buddy testing the waters himself, versus the shorter staircase in our new place :)

This apartment has more windows and feels much brighter in every sense of the word. I even have a view of new life, these babies, from my kitchen window :)

It's night time now, so I'll get my own photos of the roof another day, but here are some that the rental agency took.

We are some distance from the ocean, but we can still see it from the roof. Nothing relaxes me more than that view!

Brian is so happy and relaxed here! Our old apartment was very tiny and he said it was terribly depressing lying in bed all day in the dark. The brightness and ability to be outside while still at home is such a blessing, and I have to thank our friends here in Playa del Carmen who found this gem for us. Another upside is the price; it's basically the same price as our last place, but 10 times the home. We feel very fortunate to spend our days here together and I feel it's so very important for Brian to be comfortable and happy during whatever time he has remaining.

I just stepped outside and snapped this photo of the moon; it is such a beautiful evening out!

I'm so happy to share our new home with all of you! Thank you again for your continued love and support! xo

And please, if there's anything you can tell me about Burning Mouth Syndrome, I would love to hear it!!

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Take a look here:

Think you will find it interesting for sure.

Thank you so much for that! It certainly does sound like it's talking about us, doesn't it??!!

This part really caught my eye:

"Officials from the medical profession usually tell sufferers of burning mouth syndrome to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and spicy food. These recommendations typically have no tangible effect upon the condition. Doctors also prescribe lidocaine, a drug that is most often prescribed to people with arrhythmias (heart rhythm instability). It is a mild painkiller. This therapy is mostly a matter of medical showmanship, in convincing patients that something proactive is being done for their benefit, and that there is a valid reason for follow-up visits. Not only is the drug usually ineffective for treating burning mouth syndrome, but any drug which alters the heart rate has inherent dangers, especially when it is given to people who do not yet have heart problems."

That's why I'm thinking along the lines of foods with anti-inflammatory effects.

I'm happy about the new apartment and it looks like you can sit and the pools and relax together, which is awesome!... But I am sad to hear about burning mouth, I have never heard of it. I hope some of the people posting here can help you.

I am happy that you all got such great support from the community and hopefully he can find some kind of medicine that can help with that pain!

Have a great week to both you and Brian, and enjoy that beautiful sun and the surroundings you now have! :)

You are doing an amazing job Dave supporting people on this platform. That fundraiser was something truly special.

To @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1, isn't this platform just amazing? With people like Dave, eager to help anyone in his path without asking anything in return.

Your new apartment looks great and the pool seems like a nice place to relax.
I hope you will find a quick relief from the burning mouth so you can have one thing less to worry about.

Take care of each other!

Thank you very much @danielsaori! To hear praise from people that I admire is very uplifting! So thank you again! :D

Thank you @danielsaori! Dave really is an amazing guy and so is this platform, for that matter ;) Brian and I are still in awe of the community support and love we have received from everyone!

I hope Brian finds relief as well; it's the strangest thing and you're right, it would be nice to have one less thing to worry about.

Thank you for stopping by ;)

Thanks Dave, we appreciate that!

Yes the burning mouth thing is weird to say the least! I'd never heard of it either, but after googling it, there are countless sufferers who've dealt with it for years! I'm not sure how.

Im seeing vitamin deficiency plays a role in this. With his cancer I am sure this may be happening. iron, zinc, vitamin B-1, B-2, riboflavin, B-6, B-9 and B-12 are ones I would check to see. So foods and supplements that are high in those could be considered. Honey is a good one too.
Found this as well

1/3 cup of warm water with 1 ½ teaspoons of baking soda together in a mug. Swirl the mixture around your mouth, and if the burning sensation is also in your throat, gargle.

Long Term Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome
Blackstrap Molasses
Since burning mouth syndrome is often linked to nutritional deficiencies, supplementing your diet with blackstrap molasses may be the cure for you. Blackstrap molasses contains iron and B vitamins, both of which are critical for sufferers of burning mouth syndrome.

Burdock Root
Burdock root is a gentle herb that is healing to the nerves and cleansing to the blood. Burdock root is a food in some cultures. Take 2 capsules with each meal for at least 3 months. It can take time for the healing to be complete.

And also

applying lavender oil to the tongue and leaving it there over night. Lavender oil is actually a powerful antiseptic.

Those are the things I have found, the rest is repetition. Hope there is something there that can help.

Thank you so much for the information @foxyspirit!! It's a huge help and I'm going to look into all of it :)

Hope you find a solution to ease the Burning Mouth.

The new place looks very nice. Less stairs and warm sunny pool sound like a perfect place for the two of you! A bar right by the pool sounds like paradise!

Thank you @bengy:) The new place is pretty relaxing, so I'm hoping we can get a handle on the burning mouth thing so Brian can actually enjoy it all!

Hello, just read your post. I gave your feed a peek after your warm welcome in the pay it forward challenge.

Congrats on the new place. I have a suggestion for Brian's mouth. Try using oregano or Lavender oil. You may need to dilute it based on strength. It has many medicinal purposes, one of which is treatment of burning mouth syndrome. I lean towards Oregano as I already use it for congestion and my immune system.

That's where I recognize your name from :)

Thank you for the tips! I've used Oregano oil before and never thought about it for this...the Lavender oil is a good idea too. Thanks again!

It's basically the same price too?! That's great! And the roof pool looks amazing. You can see a bit of the ocean, so that's cool, but the ability just to be up there and rest while still being outside has got to be a big plus.

I honestly don't know anything about remedies for that, so my wife and I will just keep praying. If I hear of anything, I'll let you know.

Thank you very much for that! I'll take all the prayers we can get :)

Im not sure what to say to this, it is a medical problem that I know nothing of. But when it comes to medical I try to look for homeopathics and natural plant based stuff first. @earthmother has great insights on plants and all, not sure if she has heard of this or can help. I will try and do an investigation and get back to you on it.

i just did a post on calendula. boosting vitamin b and d. Nutritional yeast, molasses are high in those. calendula tea would be plentiful down there. swoosh and spit! a cup a day would certainly not hurt! I pray that he finds relief. mouth pain has to be one of the worst. sending huge love to everyone!!! Congratulations on your new place!!

Thank you @earthmother! I'm so glad that @foxyspirit called you over her...we an use all the help we can get! I'll have to look into the calendula tea for sure!

It might not hurt for him to soak in it too. If you make a strong tea, and add it to his bath. I wonder if he is mineral deficient? Just trying to think of what is causing the mouth pain. Maybe probiotics/kefirs/kambucha to balance the gut floras? I suspect the med and treatments have exhausted his body. Xoxo i have been following you both for a little while now. My heart both aches and swells for you both. So much pain and yet so much love. Love prevails. Xoxo

Awww you make my heart smile :)

Brian has been on and off antibiotics for over a month now, and I suspect that has something to do with it all. I've got him on some good probiotics at the moment and am hoping it helps.

I truly hope "love prevails" has so far <3

Thank you again for your advice and your love!

I think you are both doing amazing! Navigating through everything wIth grace and love. As someone looking in, it's beautiful to see. If there is anything that ican help with, please drop a line. Blessings, peace and love to you both. Xoxo

Awww thank you so much; that is a beautiful thing to hear. You are now my go-to for natural healing, so I do have a question : I've been reading about Alpha Lipoic Acid used for diabetic neuropathy; it's used to heal nerve damage and I saw some success with those who suffer from Burning Tongue as well. Any thoughts?

Thank you!

I have heard good things about ALA. I would just read up on what Brian is taking for medicines and make sure that it is compatible. Try to find the most organic way to consume it. :)

You are awesome! I just saw your "investigative" work comment and am soooo thankful for it!!

So happy for you about your new home and more particularly, that it's making you and Brian happy. For the burning mouth syndrome, I have no clue. @practical though mentioned lavendar oil, and then it occurred to me that aloe juice and gel (with the bitters removed), and now available as health drinks might also help. Aloe vera is the best known and surely it must be available in health shops around you? From a brief stint in the aloe business, I know that the internal benefits of aloe are the same as those when it is applied topically - soothing and healing. In this case, I hope both, and with the emphasis on soothing. Hope that helps. Take care, both of you!

Thank you @fionasfavourites :) I hadn't thought of aloe, and there's a drink I see here all the time with that as the main ingredient! We'll give it a try for sure !!

Do, @lynncoyle1 and just make sure that as few preservatives as possible, expecially potassium sorbate. Also, if you can find yoghurt with aloe, and if @briancourteau can cope with dairy, that should also help with at least soothing the burning. Hope @briancourteau feels better soon.

Thank you again. I agree on the potassium sorbate too. Funny enough, the doctor advised not having milk or dairy because it would coat the tongue especially and not allow it to 'breathe'. Not sure how I feel about that one :)

Well, that would make sense. Dairy can promote the production of mucous and it has fats in it, so stick with the health drink, which you could mix with soothing fresh fruit juices like mango and others that are not acidic. Hope all of this helps. Must be so uncomfortable.

All of this has been helpful! It's funny because most of it I'm aware of, but when you're in the throws of it all, you just don't seem to think of these things.

It's difficult to find non-acidic fruit as well. Banana and mango are pretty prevalent here, but blueberries for example cost a fortune! And really, most fruits are acidic. But truthfully, acidic or not, almost everything we try, hurts the poor guys mouth!

It is very uncomfortable. Brian says of all the pain he's so far experienced, this is the worst. Just doesn't seem fair!

Thank you again for all of your help :)

No, it's not fair. Blueberries, here, are a hell of a price, too. Another soothing remedy could be rooibos tea and/or honeybush tea. Not sure if you can get it, but we made aloe drinks with both - precisely because of their soothing and healing properties, combined with anti-oxidants. Anyhow, that's me, and best to you and, of course, Brian! xx

We've been drinking rooibus tea and trying several other suggestions here, but truthfully, nothing has been much help yet. During the night, his mouth gets so dry, that when he wakes up, it seems to take hours for the pain to settle, then the afternoon is ok for a few hours, but by evening, it's horrible again.

There's not much to say, I know, but thank you for the tips and well wishes. We will keep plugging away in the hopes of finding one that works!

Congratulations on your new diggs ❤❤❤
The ocean view is amazing! Being on the deck near the pool would be wonderful. The sweet birds look so cozy!! It's crazy that Brian is experiencing something called 'burning mouth syndrome' i have never heard of that before. But, when i was recently going through dental issues, i definatel had burning tounge, and roof of mouth. It was the strangest thing. It's mostly gone now. But, is still there slightly. Have no idea if it's similar 😫. Has he tried oil pulling ti help the pain? Or cool water rinse? I hope it doesn't last too long for him 😔. That's no fun. Beautiful full moon blessings! Thank-you foe sharing a picture of the Mexican moonlight! Hugs, Love and healing energy to you Peaceful Warrior 🌸❤🌸

Hey! You changed your profile pic...looks great :)

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement; it really is the strangest thing and it's something we've never heard of before as well. Hopefully with everyone's help here, we can sort it all out!

Hey Lynn ❤ Thank-you!! You're welcome. It's my pleasure 🌸 i hope you can remedy the situation ASAP. HUGS

I'm so happy about the better living space. Having light and happiness is so important. I'm so glad that you are getting so much awesome support. Your posts are really making me realize what is important in life.

Oh @byn ...that's the best thing for me to hear. The fact that something good and worthwhile is coming from all of there's a sense of purpose to it. You have no idea how that makes me feel, because honestly, there are days when I wonder why, and your two line comment just answered it! Thank you :) <3