Even More Murals from Playa del Carmen, Mexico

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

As promised, here is the other beautiful mural I found during a walk in the lovely Playa del Carmen. Just so you know, all construction here begins with grey cinder/cement blocks, so the opportunity for grey is everywhere. Many properties also have cement walls that wrap around their place, topped with barbed wire, obvious protective measures. So these murals add unbelievable beauty to an otherwise dull and dreary view. They also psychologically mask focusing on the need for protection I think!

In this one, the turtle is the showstopper for sure, so I'm starting with a nice closeup of him! (I've included the links below all the photos so you can enlarge them too)


Here it is zoomed out a wee bit more. Pretty amazing, right?


The depth perception, color and detail is extraordinary!


Here is a closeup underneath the turtle. I wanted to zoom in on the little fish, rays, and jellyfish, but also show you how beautiful the pink is, which to me represents coral maybe?


Further right, is a very colorful parot, about to take flight. You'll notice that the cement has a very different texture on half of the wall, so kudos to this artist for continuing when it must have been much more difficult compared to the smooth side of the wall.


I zoomed out a bit on the parrot, capturing the author's name (sorry the tree's in the way and I of course didn't get another shot of that!), and a better view of the multi-textured cement.


A better view of the cement change, and of course the little tyke riding a second turtle!


And the grand finale :) I tried to take a photo standing across the street, and I still couldn't fit the whole thing in, so I'm afraid this is the best I've got! I'm guessing it's at least 30 feet/10 meters (ish) in length; notice the apartment complex behind to help you guage its size also.


I have to say that this one, and the one from my last post are my favorites as of yet! What about you?

I want to lastly thank everyone for their wonderful support of this "mural" series of mine! It's nice to know so many of you truly appreciate their beauty with me!!

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Tyke and pet iguana. I think? very cool. And yes the big turtle is the star of the show! beautiful

I saw that and thought that too! So cool!! The turtle, its' details, and how it seems to be "coming out" of the mural...just wow!

Thanks @steven-patrick for being so supportive; I really appreciate it!

Wow! That is huge. Can you just imagine having to paint all of that? Probably hot there too I can envision the poor artist just sweating and painting away. Must have taken forever and a day to finish up.
I must say the colors really pop against all the green and white in the background. Except for the tree trunks and poles. Those look a bit like the poor guy got frustrated and started slinging some paint.
It has been so hot here in the high 90's You being so much farther south I can only imagine. Pretty brave of you to be out there getting those good shots for us. I'm sure I would require a big floppy hat and maybe a parasol.

Those look a bit like the poor guy got frustrated and started slinging some paint.

hahaha that's exactly what I was thinking too!! It must have been a huge job painting it; I can't imagine. I wish just once I could catch one of these guys in action!

It is so hot and so humid here right now, that it is almost unbearable! Hat, no parasol ;)

Where are you?

I think you never catch then in action because they hide from the heat. I imagine them out there at night with big old lights.
I am in Virginia so it really isn't so bad. Except the central air is out. I am a bit spoiled to it. Those old window units just aren't the same.

I bet you're right @headchange, night painting 😅 I grew up on a farm in Southern Ontario, Canada, not far from Detroit, MI, and my dad put central air in as soon as he could afford it, so I too am a little spoiled. The window units do squat lol

Well thanks for that. I don't feel like such a spoiled brat if folks way up in Canada feel the same about their AC.
I drove by the back the other day and their temp display read 124. I am sure it was broken that seems a bit high. Then again maybe global warming finally set in and we are all going to melt.

From what I've heard @headchange, it's probably accurate. It was another scorcher here today too!

I think he did an amazing job on the mural, i like that he tried to incorporate the tree, and poles also in it, or some other passerby tried to. I think part of the "psychologically mask" is also if it is pretty it can't be prison. Do the walls keep people out, or keep people in? It is something people think about some times.

Good point @bashadow! hmmm now I'm wondering what's on the other side of that wall!

Another great set of murals, definitely agree that the turtle is the best of this particular bunch. Do you live in this area?

The turtle is pretty cool, isn't it?! Yes, this is where we live :)

OMG I would be sitting there for hours staring at that. Amazing!!

I was, until people started staring at me haha

It is just amazing though, isn't it?!! And there's just so many of them around here. I'm like a kid in a candy store...or me in a cheap wine store lol

The cheap wine works, we can just sit on the sidewalk staring at the murals!!

hahaha @tryskele! You're a woman after my own heart 😎

Who knows I might get fed up here and come visit LOL Of course the hubby would be upset I took the car I don't think I'd care LOL Then we'll just have to get @cicisaja. Guess I better get my passport.

hahaha YES @tryskele!! Get the passport 😅

These are really nice murals.

I kind of wish the city I live in has them.

Thank you @enforcer48! It makes a huge difference for sure! Where do you live?

Wow, so gorgeous! :) I'm so happy that you are sharing these and preserving them on the blockchain! Very inspiring.

Thank you @youhavewings, that is a lovely thought!! I'm in awe of the talent around here ;)

We need to be surrounded by art and inspiration....and lots and lots of animals ;)

haha I agree completely!!

excellent share @lynncoyle1, it's beautiful

Thank you so much @dj123; I'm glad you enjoyed it!

well well well...you finally got a signature in one of these, bully for you. but what about the rest of the mural? how far does it go?
did we get ripped off?
why don't you have a wide-view camera?
is this Steemit amateur hour?

LOL is that my genre 🤔

A little girl ridding a turtle, can't beat that. even the telephones poles are included. I like the way it was boarded with the white border.


haha he's stealing your shtick @wolfhart :)

AHHH it was crap @janton

ROFL I have to much fun here.

yes sir it's amazing and the artist should be well paid for this work!

hahaha no you did not get ripped off! It didn't go any further than the yellow fish below the turtle, smart guy!

And by the way, who are you and why are you trolling me old man? haha

lol! I wouldn't have done that comment to anyone else but I knew that you knew I was just joking but anyone reading after me would think "what's wrong with this jerk! or who IS this jackass! lol.

I don't know, sometimes all the nicey nicey kiss ass suck up stuff just gets old! lol. shake it up a little people! kids like you can usually handle a little ribbing though! trolling, is that like stalking? lol. that's creepy. bytheway isn't it past your bedtime kiddo? probably need tucked in.

hahaha @janton, oh I can take it, that's for sure 😅

Trolling, stalking, all the same, and yes, all creepy too!

It may have been past my bedtime, but it sounds like you were delirious and a little sleep deprived to me 😎

I do my best work when I'm delirious and sleep deprived. but I'm not denying that the wine may have had a tiny affect on my thinking abilities..but most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

haha that's funny. I just get witty. I think. I've had too much wine to tell right now ;)

lol! yes, very witty!

This is random, but I just saw this post and you're mentioned there by @jaynie, who I know. She's recently started an initiative to support minnows and you're one of them my friend. Check it out :)

When I saw the mural through this post.. it is look like printed painting, so perfect and clean. But then when you take us to the other part.. it's more like painted on canvas... the artists were very smart. Thank you for sharing this with us @lynncoyle1.. I agree with you that this one is more fascinating then before.. somehow I wonder, were these murals a community proggram or it's just individual/group initiatives.

If I were there.. I think I'm gonna spent 1-2 hours a day just to stare at the parrot and it's shadow 😊

Thank you so much @cicisaja; I'm happy that you enjoyed it! There is something special about this one compared to the last, isn't there? Maybe it's the softer colors, but it's almost angelic. I believe there was a city beautification plan and one of the initiatives were all of these murals. It's makes such a huge difference I think, compared to if everything was just grey cement blocks.

If I were there.. I think I'm gonna spent 1-2 hours a day just to stare at the parrot and it's shadow 😊

I stared so long at it, that people started to stare at me haha

Thank you as always for the lovely comment :)

With the increases if the selfie lovers in this world and limited space to make a beautiful park and it's maintaining costs. I think mural is a perfect choice😊 sometimes I wonder why don't they paint the under-part of highway the same😊 probably because the safety while doing the murals.

Here in Indonesia, not so far from where I live now, there's a special village called "Kampung Kelir" kampung = Village kelir= colour or tools to colouring thing. I will make a visit to that place and share it on Steemit later. I always enjoy any murals, it's a free acces art works, you need no spesific knowledge to enjoy it.

I think.. people stare at you because you're beautiful or a celebrity on vacation 😉

I think that is an awesome idea @cicisaja! I'd love to see photos of that village. Thanks for the language lesson too!!

awww, you're so sweet. I'm sure they thought I was crazy haha

Actually here, there's a big highway overpass with those huge cement columns holding it up, and the columns all have beautiful murals painted on them. I've been trying to figure out how to photograph them because the best view is from the middle of the highway haha

Whoaa.. that must be interesting to share if you really find the way to photograph it. I can show it to our house of representatives members, so they don't have to visit other countries using the people budget funds just to make a comparison study on "how to beautify your boring cement block, tunnels and collums" 😯

So far.. this 30 meters murals still the best amongs all that you've shared but people who has been staring at that for years won't understand how we appreciate it.

I can show it to our house of representatives members, so they don't have to visit other countries using the people budget funds just to make a comparison study on "how to beautify your boring cement block, tunnels and collums"

hahaha that's funny, but kind of not funny, because it's true!!

Oh I'll figure something out! I really want to capture it in a photo, somehow!

Well.. thanks in advance and good luck.. but don't risk yourself to do that 😉

I walked by there again today @cicisaja, and scoped out a few vantage points, but of course, left my phone/camera at home lol

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