#ulog 20: Ulogging to Celebrate the Beauty of Ordinariness

in #ulog6 years ago

We believe we have to be so fucking exceptional.

I know I wasn't the only one raised by this Western Tribe. They say a whole tribe raises a child and I know this to be true.

Not just my blood family raised me, but the tv did too. The school system, the peers, the magazines the music.

It all told me I could be exceptional. I could have the life of my dreams. I could be rich. I could be famous.

If I had enough awesome shit I could deserve love.

Photo on 2018-07-25 at 2.27 PM #3.jpg

What I'm Realizing

Most of life will be boring and uneventful.

It's up to me to find meaning throughout the mundane.

It's all about expectations. If I expect every day to be extraordinary, full of excitement where I have Everything Now, I'm bound to live a life of abject misery.

If I can come to terms with the truth I have a chance to escape this...boredom. The feeling that life should be so much more.

Why should life be so much more?

Accept Ordinariness instead.

Rejoice in Ordinariness!

For that is what we are.

The vast majority of us on this planet are completely and utterly ordinary. We live mostly uneventful lives (especially if we're comparing our lives to that of movies, tv, popular youtubers, 15 minute famers, musicians, politicians bla bla you get my drift). Someone is always doing much more interesting shit than us. Someone is having a more epic tragedy than us. And I think that's a reason why some people love so much drama, and they create a tonne of it in their lives, because they want to live an exciting soap opera, or reality tv show. We're so fucking brainwashed.

How This Rant Ties into #Ulogging

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Everything that you need to know about Terry AKA surpassinggoogle's vision is in this article, highly recommended reading >>> #ulog: Become A ULOGGER Today! Reshaping The Entire Internet With Steemit.

Excerpt from the Article

We will celebrate ourselves before the entire world as the "true celebrities" that we are.

There is one thing that we're all extraordinary at. Being ourselves. There is only one you, and there is only one me. Nobody can be you better than you, and no one can be me better than me.

I may not have an exciting life, but it's my life and I'm living in a way unique to me.

I see the world through my eyes. Sometimes my vision is blurry because of shit that I let fuck with my now.

Sometimes my vision is crystal clear, and I can see the surreal beauty available to me in every single moment, if I just look for it. When I pay attention.


Become a #Ulogger Today

It's so simple and easy. Share a bit of your day with us. How are you feeling? What's up? Is today awesome or shit? Make sure to add a photo from your day, or any photo that you took really. And that's it.

You are the Celebrity and we are your fans. Us ordinary folk. Using the #STEEM blockchain to change lives, and perhaps even change the world for the better.

Fuck the Kardashians.

I'm interested in YOU.

Now For Me...

I'm going to wash some eggs, and then head to the park with my boys. I just realized I didn't take anything out for supper yet, doh. Laundry, yep gotta do some more of that haha. I don't need to make buns today so that's pretty rad because it's like 5 million degrees out.

Our cat Edgar has really turned up the dial on the mouse killing. Now that Edgar has 4 kittens, all she does all night is leave, come back with a mouse, feed it to a kitten, leave, come back with a mouse, feed it to another kitten. I'm looking at those kittens...they're still pretty small. How long until they can officially be outdoor cats do you think?

Should I put them in the barn?

Shit is getting real folks.

Really real.

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Have an amazingly ordinary day, wherever you are my beautiful #STEEM #Ulog Family! Make sure to tell me a bit about it. Perhaps it's time for your post titled: #Ulog 1: My first Ulog. Why did I wait so long? :)


Like you.. I am ordinary too. I am proud of who I am and all I have done in my life.
Be exceptional? Who has time for that.. not me.

There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. Not everyone has to be a superstar. We are brainwashed into thinking we have to be. I think that is why we have so many problems in the world. People are unhappy with their lot in life. They want more and will never achieve these outrages goals only to become more unsatisfied and unhappy. I celebrate my mundane life. It is awesome. My problems are minor compared to others. I am happy with the doggy poo on my shoes and the bird poop on the patio. Life is real. Now, I have to go and hang the laundry out to dry...

Aww...your response gave me total goosebumps, and especially because I very well know what you are going through right now and i'm just amazed that you are still here with us, brightening so many people's days with your incredibly thoughtful comments...you really inspire me Mama Castor!!

People are unhappy with their lot in life. They want more and will never achieve these outrageous goals only to become more unsatisfied and unhappy.

Yesssssss. And if some can accomplish the goal, how long until they're chasing the next one?

An old gypsy curse I heard one time: "May you get everything you wish for"

Thanks, Lyndsay. Sometimes you just get tired of the greed of the world in general.

Ha, I've never done a Ulog and I still dont get what it's all about, but I do appreciate the idea of celebrating ordinariness, as I'm feeling super ordinary right now.

I'm going to wash some eggs

Love it. I might just wash me some eggs too, or some such ordinary thing, and u-log it. However when I get writing and taking photos, I can't help but SEE the extraordinary in life. Maybe that's what ulogging can be about.

Yes, absolutely you got it! One of the biggest reasons surpassinggoogle started #ulog as well, is to get us posting at least once a day.

It doesn't have to be a big long post, it could be just one photo from your day and a paragraph of writing. The important thing is to get into the habit of posting more often :)

I post everyday so that's not a problem. I catch a few ulogs here and there and quite enjoy these glimpses into people's lives!!!

Ha..what should I answer first or relate to first. I like my simple, ordinary life, I am never bored and the less drama the better for me. Just give me a book and a deck and a beach, and I can't keep ulogging about that now can I? Or can I? I spent those days with that television and in those classrooms and yes in those boardrooms. What I have learned all these years is this. Expect nothing, everything is then a delightful surprise. We are all just mere dots on the Universe. Yes our shit smells. Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time and no one is better than you or lesser, no matter what they tell you. Everyone has value. Everything I needed to learn about life I actually learned in Kindergarten. My children made me wise and my grandchildren make me wiser. So more Ulogs to come from me, the deck granny on the bay. xx

You are actually super UN-dramatic, and I just love that about you!!! You never sit there gossiping about people, well, at least not to me and I think I would have broken that barrier by now right? We've known each other for like a decade now.

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Thanks for being such a great influence. A wonderful teacher. Our Seabright Medicine Woman <3 <3 Healer...

aww thank you so much...No...Gossip is totally not my style. A remember taking the kiddies to kindergarten and all the moms would stand around and gossip. I was out of there like flint. Never did it in high school or at the office, which made me somewhat unpopluar with certain ladies, (not all of them) and more popular with men..(in a nice way of course). I only talk about a friend, neighbor or relative if I am relaying information. So my super great idea as of late is what I can do to renovate my home. ie. paint it black lol

...which made me somewhat unpopluar with certain ladies, (not all of them) and more popular with men..(in a nice way of course).

HAHA hear hear !!

A song for your home!

LMAO. how completely appropriate. xx thank you

Great post as always Lyndsay. And some awesome comments from ordinary people just like you and me. Ordinary exceptional people make this world what it is. We are supposed to be free but untill there is a way to opt out of the capitalist system the only real place that we are truly free is in our own minds. And #ulog is a place to express how free we can be in our own little worlds of Ordinary. Yes Fuck the Kardashians, who ever they are....
Oh and great news today about Ahed Tamimi
Back home with her friends and family. 🌟🌟

Really beautiful to see her and her Mother free. If only we could #FreePalestine :'(

...the only real place that we are truly free is in our own minds. And #ulog is a place to express how free we can be in our own little worlds of Ordinary.

Well said!

Who are the Kardashian and Jenner family and why are they famous?...
From Kim Kardashian to Kylie Jenner, the names and family tree of the two clans is complicated. Here is the full history.

hey, dear!
so sincere post!
now I see what Ulog means;)

Fuck Kardashians - high five!;)) I love you!))
I adore such open and true people liek you;)

and yoohoo, look what I've made;)

it's my passion now;)) what did you do with me? I can;t stop eating them;))

Hey beautiful SiSTAR! I adore you too <3 I can't believe you've made the buns already, I'm going now to see! YAY!!!

'Superstar-ness' OR stardom comes with a lot of misery and loneliness (no bad feelings). I'd rather go with being uniquely ordinary.

Those mice don't stand a chance. The kittens will grow up extremely healthy. Dry food (aka butter balls) is so bad for them.

You're right, they're supposed to eat raw meat, they live much healthier lives when they do.

Love this! Yes, yes. I don't want a flashy life, tbh. I would like some things I don't have now, but most people consider them weird, so it's definitely more me and not, to use Vishen Lakhiani's word, the culturescape. I like simple things.

You have very humble wants/needs, and I'll never stop envisioning that tiny home for you... a #STEEM Powered tiny home...coming up!

Now it sound like I have a steampunk tiny home. 😃

I suppose it’s just up to the person that wants to be ordinary. There isn’t anything wrong with being “ordinary “.

Personally, I think I’m just too ambitious to ever want to be ordinary all the time. I suppose that’s part of the reason why I rant and rave here on Steemit. If I didn’t want to make my voice heard, I’d just turn my phone off and watch tv all night after work.

I'm so glad that you're here and not just zoning in front of the tube all night. You are way ahead of the game my friend...

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