My Messages To The World

in #truth7 years ago

I try many different strategies to create the world I wish I lived in, one of which is signage, and I often use it with our greatest resource in the world, the internet.

Sharing our ideas helps others feel 'not so alone'. Sharing our ideas is like throwing a pebble in a pond. We create ripples that spread forever outwards, and slowly, with our combined efforts, we are changing the collective consciousness.

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 8.54 AM.jpg

Photo on 2014-04-15 at 3.22 PM.jpg

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 9.44 AM #2.jpg

Signage on the back of our travel trailer, as we travelled across Canada 2 times letting anyone behind us know, they Matter.

Photo on 2014-07-11 at 8.59 PM #3.jpg

Photo on 2014-04-08 at 9.51 PM.jpg

Photo on 2014-10-01 at 11.53 AM #2.jpg

This sign and I have been everywhere together hahahhaa. Soooooo many cities, sooooooo many hugs!!

Photo on 2014-06-07 at 10.30 AM #4.jpg

Photo on 2014-04-18 at 9.52 AM #4.jpg

Photo on 2014-04-17 at 3.33 PM #2.jpg

Photo on 2014-11-06 at 4.05 PM.jpg

Please, remember that it doesn't take a very large action, to help change the world for the better. All it takes, is all of our small actions, added up. Doing something small, matters. You are a pebble in a pond. We ADD UP to something great! The ripples created by many equals tidal waves of change.

Taking any positive action matters. Speaking and standing in your truth, being kind to random strangers, listening, truly listening and holding space for someone in pain, giving your time, attention, or your what this world needs more than any billion dollar donation to a charity.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read a piece of my heart, here, have a flower :)

Photo on 2014-07-24 at 1.03 PM #2.jpg

Until tomorrow,

Much Love,



Such a beautiful post.

Anarchy is only solution. Anarchy means no ruler, that is only meaning of this world. You can check my blog on why is that our only solution. I think you will like this article I wrote:

Cheers, I'm a voluntaryist/anarchist absolutely!

Hi @lyndsaybowes!!! Good to see a post from you come across my feed.

You matter to me and I appreciate your positivity campaign.

You are doing a great job. I can feel the love from here. :)

YAYYYY!! Hello @rebeccaryan!! :) :) :) Yes, long time no see indeed! Thank you for sending me good vibes I really appreciate it beautiful !!

You and your kids look joyful and healthy. It's refreshing to see and I am so happy for all of you.

That's the best compliment a Mom can ever hear, thank you so much for being happy for us, and for brightening my night!

Keep it up Lyndsay - you give sharing is caring a whole new quality!

D'awwww, hahahaaa, thank you very much @steemuwe!!!! Love you infinitely my BroSTAR!!!

Beautiful post, I like your signage...and I see you are a fellow RVer too!

Yesssss!! We lived in it for about a year, travelling and finding our place in the world with our 3 sons. I homeschooled that year. In the winter, we were on the west coast of Canada, very mild, but still my husband build a little shack connected to our RV, where we put a woodstove to help dry the trailer out and keep warm <3 <3 We do have much in common hey @elew!

Excellent post and a very important message :)

Thank you for reading @steemtruth :) :) Hugs!

A grand adventure with an important message. You sure know how to live life to the fullest!

Thank you very much for the support Ser @winstonalden! :) :) :) :)

Beautiful message to the world ! Thanks you !

Thank you very much for enjoying @mastodonte! :) :) :)

Hi linsdsey. nice to see you posting again. And nice post

Hi @andre-ager! Good to see you too :) Thank you for reading these messages dear! :) :) *******Hugs!!*******

I love you Lyndsay!! Thank you for sharing!! <3

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