Cat, French and Creative Writing - Or why a Frenchie starts to write on Steemit

in #story7 years ago


It's a fact : French people is very bad in foreign languages. And I'm not an exception.

I grew up in the sweet region of Bordeaux, France and I started to learn English at school. Sorry, I learned English grammar but never I practiced them. It was terrible for the whole class, specially me, and for our teacher to train to practice English. We were 36 students by class, divised by two oral groups. Obviously, exercise our knowledges war impossible. Only the same four people communicated with the English teacher.

I began to interest to English when I was 18 years old. I had a special professor, who was mad of Hitchcock. It was harder for me to follow his lessons and a supplice for him to attempt convince me to focus on this matter. With an huge determination, he succeed to instruct me the basis of the English language. Victory !

Why I start to write on Steemit ?

I have the chance to know a man who worked on the development of the blockchain department of a Belgian bank. During several months, we exchanged together about the for and against advantages of this technology, specially about the suppression of the middle man. We explored Ethereum, Ripple, the Swift bank system, civil law organization to imagine an another world with a lot of freedom and possibilities. Dreamers need to stick together

He lived the country, following his own dreams. I rested and started to work as a freelance creative writer in French. I'm already a nanny, I have a full time job, but I love to do several things. So I searched on a very famous platform some clients. It was'nt very difficult, because I'm friendly and I have a very high level French writing. It was the beginning of a new life.

Be a Freelance doesn't mean to be Free

The first one lesson I learned was don't sell out my competences. I had not a lot of confidence on myself and accepted the first job I found. I was so happy that someone trust me I don't realize what the hell will be this job. First step : don't take an hourly engagement. I need to work a whole hour to be correctly paid. It is very exhausting because I don't need lot of time to write. My imagination is limitless and I don't need to read again my work in French to be sure of the quality of my sentences.

In several weeks, my planning was full. I asked more money for the same jobs and didn't have negative answers (I wasn't the less cheap writer on the market). A client contacted me to purpose a very long term project for a famous Moroccan woman. I was so happy and so enthusiastic ! I said yes and it was the begin of a stressful job. First, the client contacted me every time, during the night, the whole day, the week end, etc. I cut off my Skype, my work application and my emails. He hasn't no limit. Second, he requested very often French translation for free. He couldn't understand his client and asked to me to explained what she wanted exactly. Third, he would I proofread the writing of foreigner writer. I explained to him how time spoiling was the last task, because I need to rewrite the whole text created by an Ukrainian. He continued again and again to ask more and more for few moneys.

After to work to him, I understand the bigger lesson : if you want to be Free, you must to work for yourself and no for another people. Oh, I write again for others people, but I produce the best French text for myself. I improve my IT skills and my English, I examine with a lot of attention the commercial website which I am engaged to produce SEO description and I make some experiments.

The Cat : The First Step on the way of the Success

The friend who shares Steemit to me is the same with I re create the world during several weekends. I have since three weeks a very young cat and as like another kitty owner, I post every day pictures and videos of my sweet tiger on Instagram and Facebook. He advised to me to write on this platform before this period because he trusts more in my abilities than myself.

Because in Blockchain I trust and the gingercat rules the world, I sign up on the platform. I have more time since my little kitty don't leave me sleep the whole night !

At the end, that's my co worker Anthema who chase me during the night and is sleeping during the day (maybe it's a cat-vampyr) !


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