Se non hai intenzione di acquistare NON avvicinarti/If you don't intend to buy DO NOT approach

in Italy2 months ago

L'atteggiamento dei manichini ultimamente è molto aggressivo, guardate la loro espressione, anche i più piccoli hanno questa espressione, povere creature imparate questo esempio ahahahaha

The attitude of the mannequins lately is very aggressive, look at their expression, even the little ones have this expression, poor creatures learn this example ahahahaha


Meglio scattare la foto da lontano, sembra che il piccolo mi stia attaccando hahahaha, non mi faccio coinvolgere dai piccoli, i genitori potrebbero finirmi hahahaha

Better to take the photo from afar, it seems that the little one is attacking me hahahaha, I don't get involved with little ones, the parents could finish me off hahahaha


Mi scuso per la scarsa qualità di questa fotografia, ma non incolpatemi, questi uomini sembrano molto arrabbiati, quanto mi fanno paura hahahaha

I apologize for the poor quality of this photograph, but don't blame me, these men look very angry, they scare me hahahaha

Sono gli stessi che mi guardavano prima, li invitavo a combattere ma mi hanno ignorato, meno male hahahaha, meglio NON continuare a dire sciocchezze e vi auguro una buona giornata

They are the same ones who looked at me before, I invited them to fight but they ignored me, thank goodness hahahaha, better NOT to continue talking nonsense and I wish you a good day

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone


It actually looks like the shop are not having a great deal with clients

hahahaha, you are right, the expression of these characters DOES NOT allow anyone to get closer hahahaha.
I wish you a happy weekend

Wow... I'm impressed with this one... Way to go...

Man, it's good to see you on my blog, thank you very much for your comment and visit obviously.
I wish you a happy day

I am actually impressed with this one actually

Even me hahahaha, better not to get close, the little one for example, looks very aggressive.

This is really quite impressive to see and also in appearance actually. I am actually wondering what might have been the reasons why they ignore you. Probably they have their own reason though

Better not to approach if we are not going to buy, is what the expression of these characters says hahahaha

All those types of places it will really be quite expensive

No, there are clothes at a good price, but these characters are too aggressive for us to approach hahahaha

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