King Kong in città/King Kong in the city

in Italylast month

Ieri stavo andando ad una delle riunioni aziendali, stavo guidando e ho guardato questa immagine in lontananza, ho subito pensato, vado a fare delle foto

Yesterday I was going to one of the company meetings, I was driving and I looked at this image in the distance, I immediately thought, I'm going to take some photos

King Kong, sembra molto bene , ricordo il film, tutti volevamo che sopravvivesse, un film che risveglia emozioni ..... Ti auguro una felice giornata

King Kong, it looks very good, I remember the film, we all wanted it to survive, a film that awakens emotions.....I you a happy day

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone


The great king Kong in the city

Seeing this caught my attention, I couldn't miss the opportunity to take photos.
I wish you a happy weekend

King Kong is definitely looking so cute actually

hahahaha, you women are always so tender, it looks impressive I would say.
I wish you a happy weekend

Even with the appearance of the king Kong, at first it want to look terrifying

It certainly looks quite aggressive, but very well designed. I wish you a happy weekend.

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