I Miss My Steem People..It’s Been Too Long. I’ve missed you.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

I was reminiscing just now, laying in bed wide awake at 1am in the morning, thinking about the last time I was truly satisfied and happy.. It took me a minute. Then I remembered last year, doing the Power Of Steem project, where I was able to cycle 780 Miles down to Utah from Washington solely on Steem. The trip was amazing, but the true happiness I received from the trip was all of the amazing comments and love I felt from everyone who was following along. During that trip, I would spend the last hour or two before going to bed, replying to all of the comments and messages. It meant the world to me, and still does. I was a little down and depressed tonight and I relived and scrolled through all the old posts during that time and re read all the amazing comments I received and I was instantly filled with joy. I need to return to this amazing community, because the last time I was truly happy, this community was a major reason why. If I could have it my way, I’d just travel the world and document it all on Steemit, so we all could travel together again. These days are spent working 6 days a week, 11 hours a day. I’m so tired when I get home, that anything other than rest is out of the question.. what kind of life is that? This platform paid for my living expenses for almost a year, and I was broke, but got by.. and I was the happiest I’ve been in the last decade. Now I’m making very good money, and the least happy I’ve been in... well ever. Let’s be friends again my Steem People. I’ve missed you. God damn, how I’ve missed you.

Caught in the act of doing manual labor... of posing for a photo... I’ll let you decide..

Was able to get back into the wilderness last week!






And one of my lovely Neice.

Okay two,

Tell me how you’ve all been? What have I missed?!

Hope all of you are doing well,
Stay Blessed.


Omg your niece is the cutest darned thing!!!! *melted!!!

Miss you and hope you're gonna be back posting a bit <3 <3 <3

Yes, she has my heart :)
Oh I plan too! I've missed you as well. Hope all is well!!!

Hey friend!! Great to see you here 💗🐓

Nice to see you back! Good you got into the wilderness thats the key I think nature is a great mood lifter. Shame you down but hey get back on Steem and let those comment lift you.

Have to say I was inspired by your cycling trip on of the first I follow on here. I am planning a trip on the old bike. Was hoping this summer but as with everyone things a re tough at the moment financially and I just could not do it but its on the cards for next summer and I will be posting on Steem.

Anyways chin up fella good times are around the corner. tough with the six day week but keep getting out in nature when you can 💯🐒

Hey Vibe! 💯🐒 great to see you in the comments here. Been missing your presence! How's it going?

Hi been about very busy at mo but all good. Have been posting a little 💯🐒

Thanks! Wow, I bet that trip will be amazing. Hopefully you'll be able to do it sooner than later. I'm excited for you. I'd love to do another one myself. Maybe one day! Hope all is well and keep on keeping on :)

Welcome back homie! The Steem blockchain missed you too :D

Thank you, Glad to be back!!!!

Great to see you back man! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Nice to meet you Lukin! Seems you're friends with a few of my friends. I missed your biking trip. But, will gladly follow you alongvyoyr new journey to happy again 💗 Steem is a pretty cool place to hang around no doubt! I am also navagating towards happy. So, let's have some fun getting to know one another while we journey! Seeing as though you share pucs if your adorbs niece, you love biking, and nurturing yourself in nature. I have a feeling we will get along just fine! Hugs! Welcome back💗

nice to meet you :) Look forward to following you :)
Hope all is well in your world. I can't wait to get posting again!!!

Aw, I'm glad you met my friend @yogajill <3 <3 <3

Glad that you come back to Steem. Keep it up😊

Thank you !: )

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