What the Hell Really Happened Today? Merkel Gets Drunk & Slams Trump, $1B in Lost Weapons, Japan vs North Korea

in #merkel7 years ago (edited)

What the hell is happening today?

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On Memorial day it's good to think about the root causes of war.

Here's an important message from former US Soldier Angelo John Gage- who tells us why he thinks almost every US war is “bullshit” and so many soldiers are dying for no good reason.

Gage's video <--

Speaking of disasterous government decisions, Here's an amazing photograph of a protest in Venezuela.

This is the 57th day of protests in Venezuela. Hunger and hyperinflation are running rampant and the government is increasingly losing control.

Angela Merkel got hammered yesterday and made a public speech announcing that Germany can no longer rely on America. Edward Snowden called this an “Era-defining moment”. She stated “The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out” and that “We have to fight our own destiny”.

She also said after Trump’s visit, that “Europe’s reliance on the US for protection is over”, and is upset with Trump for failing to endorse the Paris Agreement to fight global warming. It will be interesting to see what geopolitical shifts will happen.

In a move possibly facilitating the covert funding of terrorists, the US Army has apparently lost track of one billion dollars worth of arms and equipment in Iraq and Kuwait. They seemingly have no idea what happened.

Gee.. I wonder where those munitions could have gone, they couldn’t have just disappeared. Especially when we have Russian, Syrian, and Iraqi forces defeating ISIS, and (they’re) FINDING THEM WITH ISIS!

But don’t listen to me, I’m just a crazy conspiracy theorist that’s been is attacked and labeled as ‘fake news’ by the same mainstream media… like the New York times, that admitted that the arms shipped to Saudi Arabia end up in the hands of hard-line Islamic jihadists!

This occurred on the heels of a $460 billion dollar weapons deal that Donald Trump has just signed with Saudi Arabia. We wonder how that will work out for the Middle East.

With all of these weapons flowing to ISIS from Saudi Arabia and the United States, is it really that surprising that ISIS is now openly fighting Philippine government forces, forcing that country to declare martial law?

Massive war criminal and ISIS supporter John McCain has announced that “Vladmir Putin is a bigger threat than the Islamic State”. Which may be why the US has announced plans to expand it’s “Space Weapons Program”- in order supposedly stop threats from Russia and China.

Instead of funding jihadist extremists, Russia has built a new base in the Arctic and is working towards claiming oil and gas reserves in that area. Russia has also signed a new trade deal with Iran, an Oil-For-Goods Barter Deal which will likely put yet another nail in the US Petrodollar coffin.


North Korea has just test fired a third ballistic missile this time into the Sea of Japan, Japan has now threatened to attack militarily.


The US has also sent a third carrier strike group to that region.

And in travel fascism news, the US just announced that it may ban laptops on all flights in and out of the country.

That’s all the upbeat, optimistic news for today!

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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange



It's not like people actually work from them on the plane or during a trip... like say digital nomads, entrepreneurs, youtubers, photographers, programmers, field technicians, or high level ceos (oh wait some of those use private planes and don't have to comply with these rules. ) Next they will ban clothes ... we will all go nude ... because someone figures out how to make pants explode. I'm done with the nanny state.

Image source

The movie 'Wardogs' makes so much more sense now

Hi Like, glad you are on steemit

sorry i meant Luke

Post here more often Luke! Didnt know you were on here but I do now and im following now. Always been a big fan

If these are all true, then its almost impossible to stop it because the giant countries that supporting them is not that easy to take care of, considering that they have huge influence. With the power and money they have, they can just do anything. What do you think will happen to this world?

glad you're back!

It's a crazy world getting crazier by the day. It seems like everybody is gearing up for a third world war.

I like the format - the video is great

Saw it on youtube already. Good stuff, Luke!

I would suggest that no one "fight [their] own destiny." I suggest creating your desired 'destiny' instead.

Donation sent just now to you, keep up the good work with Dan Dicks @pressfortruth speaking and covering TRUTH!

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