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RE: The New Dawn of Nostalgia Politics Sweeping the World.

in #esteem6 years ago

The European social engineering experiment is designed to reduce average IQ's.
(which is always bad for the parent country who's IQ are higher than the peoples moving into an area).

Multiculturalism - as a governmental policy, and not an organic shift, (as has happened for millennia), is about control of the populations through disruption of social cohesion - as can be seen across Europe right now.
Less social cohesion, the more control possible.
The less national identity the weaker it becomes.
Without a common identity, a country will dissolve - it has always been so....which is exactly the globalist agenda to make a one world government.
Hello to communism....

The other issues you talked about (religion, oppression, ect - are all problems, I agree, but they problems that can be solved from within).

(I think you can safely say that I'm not


Who are these people that are trying to lower our IQ?? Last time I looked we elect these officials to lead our people. If they do a bad job they are out. Communism was proven not to work so I don’t think this puppet master whoever he or she is , is leading us towards a communist regime. I’m dunno . It’s all a bit conspiracy theorist for me ! Thanks for the comment. I know you are not racist but you cannot say it was not a major factor in the brexit vote.


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