Q anon - this is not..... But why is that relevant? Size matters. Why is this relevant?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

A short story with real choices to make....enjoy, and participate!


You have just moved house, with your wife and family.

You like your house, and you like your family.

You move in with your family, and everyone is very happy.
The people in your new street see you move in, but you notice that they do not look very friendly.

You notice some extra garden area next to your house. Upon inquiry, you find in the deeds that it actually belongs to you, and this makes you happy.

You put your new dog kennel on the land, for your nice doggy. It's not a nice doggy to strangers.


After a while, your family decide they need an extension.

So you build one onto the back of your property. Your family are very happy with this extra space.

The neighbors complain about your house size expanding , but they leave it at that.

You are aware your neighbors are not very happy, but it's your land, you see can no reason not to build on it.

As time go's on, you realize the neighbors are not getting any friendlier, but you ignore them.

Anyway your relatives have bought the house right next door to you now. It is adjoining, and you like your relatives.

One day a relative comes knocking frantically on your door shouting “they're attacking me, they're attacking me!

Shocked by the pain in your relatives voice, you go to see what is happening, and as you enter the house you see some of the neighbors hitting one of you relatives.

This makes you angry.

Incensed by this disrespect shown to your relative, you jump into the affray. They stop hitting your relatives and wander off, muttering “we'll be back...,”

Your relatives are very frightened now, and ask you if you can do anything about the problem.

“Why not knock through into our house, and then it will be one big house. They won't do anything while I'm here, you don't have to worry.”

So they make it into one big house. And the neighbors don't attack them anymore.

Sometime later, another relative joins you in the same street, but they don't live right next to you. There is an alleyway separating your property from theirs.

A neighbor owns the alley way.


“Is it OK,?" You ask the neighbor....
"If I build a connection really high up above the alley way between the two houses? So we can move back and forth from one house to the other? It wont affect you in any way whatsoever” You add -not wishing to cause any problems.

“No you can't do that, fuck off!,” Comes the angry reply.

A little later on, you hear screaming . Lots, and lots of screaming in the alleyway.

Unable to get to them quickly, you shout to your neighbor to help.

Then you realize it is your neighbor that is in the alleyway, that is hitting your relative really, really hard.

Your relatives child lays unconscious on the floor, blood pouring from their mouth.

With that you tell the neighbor “You better stop it, or else!”

“Or else, what?” Says the neighbor, “what ya gonna do?”

“I'll do more than build a connection – I'll fill in the alley way, and make it one big house!" You reply, really angry now.

“You can't it's mine” comes the reply. “And I'll hit your relatives anytime I feel like it - if they are in my alley way. Now fuck off!”

Unsure of how to proceed, you look at your title deeds again, and realize that the alley way may actually be yours.


Uncertain of the legalities, but fearful of your relatives getting hurt even more, you decide one day to start building and you fill in the alleyway.

You relatives further down the street are now connected to you, making you one very big, happy family..

What would you do......?

There are no police in this part of town, to come to your aid.

A/ Exactly has he has done
B/Nothing, I'll just look after my self, screw the relatives.
C/ Sell my house
D/ none of the above...here's what I would do...

There is no correct or incorrect answers....let me inside your mind!

I'll give it a few days, and let everyone in on my reasons for writing this little strange story.......

I look forward to your replies


Sell up & move on. I couldn't be doing with all that bad energy around so it leaves me 2 choices 1, change the energy or 2, change the location.
leave the energy to those who already seem quite happy with it, I certainly wouldn't have any designs in joining their circle or inviting them into mine. Staying put seems extremely likely to increase the conflict forcing bad energy onto me. If somethings not welcome show it the door.

nice to see you matey!

.... I can see where you are coming from. And if you were physically unable to go anywhere else? If you had to stay put...
(for whatever reason)

If I had to stay I would sign up for karate lessons.

First off, never let this happen in the first place.

Do not buy a house unless you like the neighbors and the neighborhood. Which means, the first sentence in this post is where things went wrong.

Once violence started, that was the time to ultimatum with the neighbors. They will either stop the violence on their own, or things get bloody.
Since they engaged in violence once again, the answer is

A. move.
B. cease the violence with violence.

The entire post was one long bad negotiation movie.
I suggest learning to negotiate and communicate with neighbors, and then move.

The house was left in a will, and you were homeless at the time, so it was perfect...lol

Sometimes violence has to met with violence, t's true..

Sometimes its better to be homeless.
But the choice of dying or dying sucks.

I went voluntarily homeless for 8 moths once- many moon ago. I liked the feeling of freedom.
( I wasn't playing at it - I had no money or anything.!)

Dying or dying...mmm...i'll take option 3 please lol

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