in #art7 years ago


I was stressed out and angry when I did this piece with the way things were going for me that day. My confidence in the human race had been crushed by news of violence here in the United States and other parts of the world. Just the simple fact that seems like every time you turn around a black male has either shot rob somebody. Let's not forget about the police shooting black males too. Just for the record l am not saying all police are like that but l have not heard of a black officer shooting a unarmed black male yet. Then there are White Supremus,Nazi, Ku Klux Klan coming out of the woodwork even though they've been there all the time. So pray to god, Allah, spiritual being whatever you want to call it to put compassion in our hearts before it's to late.
Done in pen and ink, drawing ink on heavyweight drawing paper. Size 12 by 16 hours of completion fourteen.


I think most of us humans have compassion in our hearts luckyfellow.
It's the few evil ones that seem to have an agenda for us and them self that ruin it for the rest of us and get millions killed.
Most of what is going on right now is all staged in my opinion.
We can not really complain since we voted them into power our self.
Maybe we should think about that and find a way to do it better.

Oh before I forget your drawing is great. I used to do simular when I was young with pen and ink :)

Thank you for you're positive response. I can see why you're name is open heart .

It's challenging not to get downhearted by all the bad stuff that's happening in the world right now. I console myself with the belief that for every wrong there are a thousand rights (if not more). It's just we don't hear about them. :)

Love your page and your art. Followed!

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