Diary Game Season 1: How I Spent my day / Attending A Friend's Birthday Party at Abayi on Wednesday 02//02 /2022

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Hi, good evening all. Trust you all had a great day. I did too.
Finally I’ve got the opportunity to start write my diary game all thanks to @focusnow who has been encouraging me. 🤗

Morning Activities
Today’s morning I woke up around 5:30am with the usual constant ringing from my phone’s alarm. I’m considering firing that alarm, it does not have respect for people’s sleep at all. 🤣.
Waking up, I felt all happy and glad for the privilege of seeing a beautiful day and this song “Thank you Lord for your blessings on me” from Gaither & filled my heart and I had to play it over and over again and that ushered me into having my morning’s communion with my Creator. His words in the book of Prophet Malachi 3: 1-4 was all I needed to start off with the day.
After my devotion which lasted for about 30 minutes I set out to prepare for work, also having in mind that I have a birthday party to attend by 3pm.
I had a light breakfast of golden morn, packed my lunched of boiled yam with stew and set out to the office at around 8:10am.

I got to the office around 8:38am. I attended to some clients via chats, mails and calls, and did some office work too.

At the office

Around 10:10AM, I left for an appointment I had at Oomnne Events Centre, Abayi, from there I went to Aunty Anne’s School, Abayi.

Afternoon Activities
My afternoons are usually free especially after clearing my morning schedules and today was not an exception. Also because I needed to finish up on time, rest and then attend the birthday party I was invited to. I couldn’t miss it for anything.
Around 3:40pm, I left for the party venue. When I got there, there were just a few people, the party was yet to start but the DJ was already warming the venue with old skool jamz.

At Brass Junction Traffic Light on my way to the party.

Evening Activities
The party finally kicked off around 5:00pm, with welcoming and introduction of guests, friends and family members.
The highlights of the party was cutting of cake by the celebrant, toasts and dance! dance ! dance!, enough gbedu and doings 😂


I and the Birthday "Man" 😂

There were lots to eat and drink, and I being a lover of party jellof rice didn’t waste time as I launched a consumption attack on mine immediately I was served and I washed it down washed it down with a bottle of 5Alive Pulp drink, and I felt all the micro plus macro organism in my system rejoicing as they were well served 😊😂.

The party jellof rice
Around 6pm, I left the party venue and headed home, although there was parte after parte.
Got home, took a bath and went online for my training. No more dinner because I had enough to eat at the party.
Thank you for making out time to follow up with me here.
Stay tuned for more diary games.

Side attraction

 2 years ago 

Hello dear, good to read your post tonight
Your activities for the day are really interesting and I love them so much, I also love your spirit towards posting on steemit. Please keep it up and let the fire keep on burning in you. 💐💐

In all, I would love you to continue in your achivement task so that you will get know know about Markdown it will really help you to arrange your post for the sake of clarity.

Thanks once more, I really appreciate your effort. 🦋🦋🦋

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your kind words.

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for having me here.

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