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RE: Colorado Exempts Cryptocurrencies From Securities Laws—We Need Such Lawmakers In India!

in #blog6 years ago

@hilarski the Rocky Mountain region has already started to become one of the brightest blockchain hotspots in the US between Wyoming and Colorado. Charles Hoskins announced earlier this year (I believe) the relocation of the legal base of his company Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) from Hong Kong to Wyoming. Much of it is due to the legislative changes happening in both Colorado and Wyoming. ShapeShift has it's US operations based out of Colorado , as do a handful of other larger blockchain projects, and a host of smaller projects and startups. In recent history, Colorado elected a crypto friendly governor who was one of the very first politicians running for office which accepted crypto for political donations when he served in the House of Representatives. My feeling is the future Silicon Valley of blockchain is going to be in the Rocky Mountains. Awesome time to be here.


I was hoping you'd be around, see this and comment! Thanks for all the details. It's amazing to learn more about what's going on there.

It's also really great to see you around. We should catch up sometime on Discord. :)

@firepower I'd love to. I hope things have been good on your end since we last caught up ages ago.

Been alot of talk among a few of out here in Colorado around putting up a STEEM related event at some point in the near future. I think @carrieallen right now is looking to do something this summer in Colorado Springs (about one hour south of Denver). If you'd like I can keep you posted. In the event you don't have my Discord ID it's lpfaust#8848. Shoot me a friend invite, so I can catch up with you later.

Sure thing. Will catch up with you there. :)


It's true (though we started LATE) I'm planning a smallish (only 100 spots this year) meetup- THE BLOCK PARTY in Colorado Springs.

Within the next week I should have a ticket site up and ALL information (and then some) will be available... including sponsorship opportunities. 😍

Thank for the shout out! Hope to meet you there!
STEEM block party logo.png

June 20-23, 2019 Colorado Springs, Co, USA

Wowwwww this sounds like it will be fun! I will keep an eye out for the details in the future!!

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