in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people of the steemit community, I bring you glad tidings!.

I sat down this afternoon, going through my pictures and I stumbled on some old pictures. Instantly, I flashback to when I was younger. I can’t show you that picture because it was a little bit awkward pardon.


When I was younger maybe around the age of 4, I used to play with sand and leaves. I could prepare any delicacy with a small tin cup just with sand and leaves😂😂😂😂. To me I was having a lot of fun, I will gather some children within my age group to play with.

Here in Nigeria, at my age we started teaching each other what we learnt in school and we understand each other better than we could understand our teacher. How hilarious, not that they were not teaching well, but we did not enjoy the comfort of playing with our age group.


I advanced in age and my type of play changed. Now at the age of 6-7 we started watching our parents and see how they address each other, behave with each other and more. So we will mimic them by acting a drama😂😂. My God, it was a beautiful experience. One child be act as the father and another will act as the mother and the smaller children will obviously act as children.

So what ever we saw our parents do is what we act in the drama. Don’t mind us but we were ignorant of our actions. it didn’t disorganize our mental health because our parents never did anything intimate in our presence so we didn’t include it in our silly dramas.

Let me go to when I was in my primary 5, please don’t get confused with our school system I was about 11 years old. We started developing feelings for the opposite sex😆😆. I have always been taught the way of Christ as I am a Christian by religion so I had to control the emotions at all cost.

Few weeks to the end of my primary 5 class, there was practice going on for the upcoming graduation ceremony so our teaching was reduced so we can practice. We used the time to play around and get close to the opposite sex😅😅


I will skip till I got to my senior secondary school days where I stopped my playing days. During this time all we cared for was to be the best in class. But along the line some never bothered about that initial goal because they found out that they can cheat to pass exams without the invigilator knowing. They cheated a lot

But as a Christian, I didn’t follow their path. I study hard to pass my exams but I never took the first position. Although I was always in the top 5 students with which I was either the second or third In the list. I was practically a loner in class as I had no time for girls and the boys that follow them.

But later on, a new girl came to my class. I started to like her, but the guy that always takes first in class always finds a way to draw her attention when ever he wants and it was annoying

Now this is Me today, a guy blogging on steemit and any moment from now will drop this article in the writing and reviews community😎😎. Am so thankful to God for his grace upon mg life. Am an undergraduate in chemistry department UNIBEN. Really, TIME CHANGES EVERYTHING.


There are some things I would loved to add, but it not possible to summaries my whole life in one night. I can’t possibly remember everything, but the moment that stuck to my memory is what sharing with you today. Thank you for Reading, and please don’t judge me too much…


When I taught, I expected that my students would all get 100 percent. If they didn't achieve this, it was due to a failure on my part, not the students.

"Motivation" was an essential component of the curriculum but also every topic or chapter in a textbook I might have been teaching each day. I can remember in secondary school, students asking a teacher why they had to learn a particular subject. Why learn calculus when they would never use it. Imagine the resistance the teacher had to overcome with those students to get any knowledge into their minds.

How eager would a student be to listen and learn if the teacher prefaced a class with the statement, "Today, I am going to teach you the steps on how to make $1 million." Compare that with going to a class where you are given several mystery ingredients and the steps to use them, and finally, at the end of the class, the teacher explains that is how you make a chocolate cake.

There was never a concern of cheating on exams in my courses. I would have a quiz every day in each of my classes, not only on the material from the previous day but also from the material previously covered. I would also end each session with a quiz. It is pretty hard to get questions wrong on a test when you had been asked the same questions previously several times. My job wasn't to trick students into giving wrong answers; it was to ensure they knew the correct answers.

You had mentioned being a Christian in a couple of contexts in your article. I attended an Anglican Church in the earlier part of my life, but I don't think I embraced religion the same way you did. As an example, when I was in 3rd grade (age 8ish), there was a spelling test that I failed horribly at. Our teacher would have us hand it to a nearby student, and they would check and mark the score. The girl who marked mine liked me and suggested that she would cheat for me. I immediately refused for her to do that. It wasn't a religious thing; it was a question of honour. I don't even recall how I developed a sense of honour; I remember exhibiting it in Kindergarten (age 5).

I don't know how Jesus was turned into a fist when I consider him a gentle and helping hand most of the time. The only story I can remember of him dealing with sexuality was the one dealing with the adulterous woman. It was the one where Jesus famously said, "those without sin cast the first stone." Of course, he finished the episode off with "arise and sin no more," but I have the feeling that his feelings might have been that sexuality was understandable, but one shouldn't treat it carelessly. This is my opinion, of course.

I don't know what it is like in your area, but it seems that "Sex Education" is a priority in our school system. It also seems to me that "Relationship Education" should be considered first. When I was in university, one year, I had six girlfriends at the same time. They knew about each other; they would occasionally meet each other, passing in and out of my dorm room. They all had boyfriends in their hometowns. My room was a convenient place to relax between classes. I was someone they could be intimate with without becoming too intimate. The only one that could be hurt in that situation was me. I denied myself the opportunity of a significant single relationship by being a temporary emotional surrogate for multiple women.

I want to think that after that year, Jesus would have said, "arise and sin no more."

 3 years ago (edited)

In case nobody have told you, i am telling you now! When i read your thoughts about people write ups, i wish you were this close to me. Honestly speaking, i would love to have you as a backup you know... Meet me at discord if you are in discord ID: lovveday#0433. I need ideas...

Let me tell you, here in Africa or Nigeria, we see God as a mighty one such that what ever positive attitude we portray involves God. I would love to use the word moral or discipline instead of christian, but that's how my mind has already been conditioned.

Any talk about sex is stylishly swept under the carpet. Children don't learn about sex first hand from their parents, they learn it from school or their friends which in all sense cannot be the same with the parents teaching them. So sex is like something to poison the mind of the children if they tell them. But they eat the larger poison outside if you don't tell them

Relationship education is a context am hearing for the first time. But morally, i know that having more than one girlfriend is unhealthy. Actually i don't have a girlfriend yet, the girl i spoke to told me that i was late.

The coming generation is unsteady.

To me, the interaction with God is like being a river. If you try swimming against the current, you will quickly get tired out. If you swim across the current, you won't get where you want to go. If you swim with the current, life will be easier for you.

Sometimes you will come to a junction where the river splits in two. One side is slow and sedate. The other side is swift and exciting. If you go on the swift side, you may end up being damaged on the rocks or encounter a hidden waterfall. Once you choose, you cannot go back. The best you can hope for is at some future time; the two streams will come back together. No matter what, the final destination is the sea.

I can't picture dating in Nigeria, so I looked up a couple of videos. One is on dating a Nigerian woman, and the other is on dating a Canadian woman.

If you watch the Canadian video, I would have connected simultaneously with all three dancing girls and gone on dates with all three together.
I will remind you of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Also, they say "sex," but I disagree; Somatosensory stimulation (touch) is the driving need. Dating fulfills both physiological and safety needs and most of the Love/Belonging needs.

If you can demonstrate affection, inspire a sense of security, and make it easy for people to want to be close to you, these are skills that you can use when the right woman comes along.

I am sorry to say that you need to give up on your lady. What did Jesus call it when you coveted a married woman? Focus on making a better you, and the right one will come along.

 3 years ago (edited)

About the Nigerian relationship, its all true. They exhibit those characters. I felt confused watching the Canadian dating. The guys there are very patient.

I now see it as a person, whenever we chat, i dont do lengthy talks because that friendship is now compromised

I am the last person you want to talk to about relationship advice.

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