Monsanto: Seeds of Death

in #monsanto7 years ago


The name Monsanto should give firm indication to it's masonic affiliation.

Mon - meaning moon, like in the word Monarch, which means Moon Arch. Like Money and Monopoly. All derived from the worship of the moon, an ancient cult that honored the darkness of the night and the dark side of the human psyche. Santo meaning "holy", so the word Monsanto represents a tip of the hat to the dark spirit that drives an ancient agenda to control the population through poisoning, violence and criminal activity.

Monsanto lies and manipulates to force poisons into the population and our government is always willing to work with companies who lie openly to the public about the dangers of their products.


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Why would we choose to spray poisons on our foods and then scratch our heads as to why we're so sick? If genetically modified food is as safe as our government and corrupt food producers say it is, why such a backlash from labeling foods as GMO? Why pass laws about labeling foods as such? Rule #1 of basic survival. A person who's trying to kill you will not announce their intention to kill you. It appears most humans are forgetting rule #1.

Glyphosate the main ingredient in roundup was just labeled as cancer causing.

Are you eating cancer causing foods and GMO's? Did you know children are more apt to be damaged by genetically modified foods because their cells are dividing at a more rapid pace than an adult? Did you know that the producers of GMO's have ties to eugenic operations of our past and that these forces have worked hard to take full control of government regulatory agencies, who now rubber stamp these disease causing products for consumption?

The government provides the slave a life of pain by removing freedoms one at a time. Then they provide all the pain killers you can handle, so you stay a slave and not feel your pain. They are aware that if enough people feel the pain they will rise up and create change...this is Human enslavement 101. It's about making sure the slave never rebels because they can't feel their pain. So they flood us with pain killers like toxin medications, junk food, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, vaccines, and tv. If everyone quit sedating and truly knew what was happening we would have a revolution tomorrow.

The for-profit model of society does not work.

Nothing in Nature follows this pattern. This puts us outside of our own Nature.

Growing our own food, producing our own power, creating a new decentralized and encrypted internet, and PURPOSEFULLY putting money & businesses OUT of business has to become our common goal.

We will use the Earth's resources sustainably and directly to provide the necessities for all people; use libraries for media, tools, vehicles, etc. for each community.

Release ourselves from the consumeristic PROGRAMMING.

Do what you love for those who request your services, work together with your community to do upkeep on roads, homes, buildings, food forests, greenhouses, and parks.

Above all, the freedom to In joy of life and become the highest form of yourSelf with the cooperation, collaboration, and interdependence of all who choose to participate. Self-sufficiency and seclusion are honored paths, with support available as needed or requested.

Allowing all BEings to start on the level playing field of necessities to sustain Life as unquestioningly MET is the next logical step in our evolution.

Thank you for reading! If you like my work then please support me by upvoting and resteeming. 🙂


@lovehaswon 💚


I'm not touching this with a 10 foot pole :)

Monsanto's sole purpose for existing was to poison and contaminate the environment, food supply and by extension, the population. In short, all of creation. And the fact that it was taken over by Bayer makes no difference, worse if anything.

An eye opener post. Thanks for sharing!

totally agree with everything you said !
I am not touching any medication which is not natural anymore and avoid junk food, and don't have TV anymore either. Better watch a beautiful scenery or sunset that boring ads on TV.
I upvote you

They are evil

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