PowerHouseCreatives Contest // Our playful hands - Nuestras manos juguetonas

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)

I am very happy to be able to participate for the first time in the @zord189 contest in which he invites us to release creativity and show our hands as well as share the story behind the photographs. So, we got down to work and with the help of my beautiful children I took a few shots for this fabulous contest.

I took the first picture with the help of my son, making the shape of a heart; having the sunset in the background, my little daughter in the camera doing a strange pose, so that it will be the best done in terms of light and an interesting angle.



Estoy muy contenta de poder participar por primera vez en el concurso de @zord189 en el cuál nos invita a soltar la creatividad y mostrar nuestras manos así como compartir la historia detrás de las fotografías. Así que, pusimos manos a la obra y con ayuda de mis bellos hijos tomé unos cuantos tiros para este fabuloso concurso.
La primera fotografía la realice con ayuda de mi hijo, realizando la forma de un corazón; teniendo el atardecer como fondo, mi hija pequeña en la cámara haciendo una extraña pose, para que quedará lo mejor realizada en cuanto luz y un ángulo interesante.

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Here my youngest daughter was a participant, in the same way, we tried to get the shape of a heart having, the sky as a background, at this time of day the sun was still high and the blue and clear sky was completely prevalent.




Aquí mi hija menor fue partícipe, de igual manera intentamos conseguir la forma de un corazón teniendo el cielo como fondo, en este momento del día el sol aún estaba alto y lo azul y despejado del cielo prevalecía por completo.

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At night we did not want to stop because we were very excited about the session so, we made a dent of some talents of artists and had fun taking a while taking our phalanges as a canvas hehehe here are some fun samples.



The nudist


long tongue


The gallant


The lovers


Al llegar la noche no quisimos detenernos pues estábamos muy emocionados con la sesión así que, hicimos mella de algunas dotes de dibujantes y nos divertimos un rato tomando nuestras falanges como lienzo jejeje he aquí algunas muestras divertidas de aquellas genialidades realizadas.

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The next day, with the idea of ​​continuing with such a fun photo shoot it was the turn of the beautiful hands of my second daughter to come to the picture so, we thought something creative, making use of the technique in selective color resulted in the following image .




Al siguiente día, con la idea de seguir con tan divertida sesión fotográfica era el turno de que saliera a cuadro las bellas menos de mi segunda hija así qué, pensamos algo creativo, haciendo uso de la técnica en color selectivo dio como resultado la siguiente imagen.

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And finally the protagonists on this occasion are my hands, having the beautiful blue sky of Mexico as the background we made this shot to my hands, again with a heart as a favorite, with this publication I try to show that our hands can be the protagonists and transform them into art, with them we create, express ourselves, work, give and receive love, with this I try to pay a beautiful tribute to the much needed and appreciated part of our body.




Y para finalizar las protagonistas en esta ocasión son mis manos, teniendo el bello cielo azul de México como fondo relizamos este tiro a mis manos, nuevamente con un corazón como forma predilecta, con esta publicación trato de mostrar que nuestras manos pueden ser las protagonistas y transformarlas en arte, con ellas creamos, nos expresamos, trabajamos, damos y recibimos amor, con esto trato de dar un bello homenaje a tan necesaria y apreciada parte de nuestro cuerpo.


I say goodbye not before extending my thanks, for giving us the opportunity to awaken our creativity and in my personal case to spend very pleasant moments with my children, to exploit our artistic gifts to the fullest, I discovered my daughter's photographic talents and also discovered that she likes Be part of the credits, very excited commented "you will publish my photographs" hahaha

Without further ado, I thank you in advance for your attention and support.

Me despido no sin antes extender mis agradecimientos, por darnos la oportunidad de despertar nuestra creatividad y en mi caso personal pasar muy agradables momentos con mis hijos, explotando al máximo nuestras dotes artísticas, descubrí los talentos fotográficos de mi hija y también descubrí que le gusta formar parte de los créditos, muy emocionada comentaba "publicarás mis fotografías" jajaja
Sin más por el momento agradezco de antemano su atención y apoyo.





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Que divertida entrada, definitivamente nuestros hijos siempre son los mejores cómplices! Good luck!

Hola María, muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi publicación, tienes razón, nuestros hijos son nuestros mayores complices y los mios la verdad es que son bastante cooperadores jejejeje

 5 years ago 

What a beautiful entry! you clearly had a lot of fun with this! I really love that first photo!


Hi pretty @jaynie.
Yes the truth is that I spent a pleasant time with my children, we had a lot of fun.
Thank you very much for your support❤❤

🎁 Hi @lourdeshd6! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: Poetry - The Priest Of The Invisible Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

 5 years ago 

Those are fantastic! I bet you and the family had a great time putting all those together. I really like what you did with the fingers! Those are too funny! 😂 What a creative idea!


Hello! @wwwiebe
We had a great time together doing this session, well we tried to be creative and apparently it didn't turn out so bad hehehe
I really appreciate your support

🎁 Hi @lourdeshd6! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @wwwiebe!

@wwwiebe wrote lately about: The Fowl: Deep Dream Generator Feel free to follow @wwwiebe if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

This is so beautiful!!!! Thanks for being so creative and given us quite an inspirational post!

Hello @eugelys
I am very grateful for the time it took to read my publication, I really appreciate your beautiful words, yes, we try to do a good photographic job and enjoy with my children apparently the task was achieved.
Greetings dear

What a beautiful post, @lourdeshd6. You and your children have a lot of fun with creativity! I love the picture with the red flowers. It is amazing!

A very creative piece and your getting your daughters involved and making it a family thing is heartwarming. Congrats on your being in the top 3 - Well done!

Hello @lourdeshd6, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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