Vegan Burger (ENG/ PT/ DE)

vegan Burger

this is my entry for @heart-to-heart s #veganwednesday


  • lentils
  • baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • pepper
  • Kurmuka
  • onions
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • oat flakes
  • flour
  • olive oil
  • yeast
  • Brown sugar
  • soy milk


First prepare the dough for the burger.
Knead the flour, pinch of salt, brown sugar, yeast, some soy milk and oil into a dough and leave to stand for 1-3 hours. Then form small balls and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Meanwhile cook the lentils. Chop the carrot, chop the onion and chop the garlic. Add to the mixture.

Add the spices. After boiling for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and allow to cool a little. Then mash the dough until creamy, add some oat flakes and flour! Form small Bratlinge and fry in olive oil in the pan golden brown.
Very delicate. Have fun trying it out.

Bon Appetit

text and pictures made by myself. Peace



hambúrguer vegano

Esta é a minha entrada para @heart-to-heart s #veganwednesday


  • lentilhas
  • fermento em pó
  • pitada de sal
  • pimenta
  • Kurmuka
  • cebolas
  • alho
  • cenoura
  • flocos de aveia
  • farinha
  • azeite de oliva
  • levedura
  • Açúcar mascavado
  • leite de soja


Primeiro prepare a massa para o hambúrguer.
Amasse a farinha, pitada de sal, açúcar mascavo, fermento, um pouco de leite de soja e óleo em uma massa e deixe repousar por 1-3 horas. Em seguida, formar pequenas bolas e assar no forno a 180 graus até dourar.

Enquanto isso, cozinhe as lentilhas. Corte a cenoura, pique a cebola e pique o alho. Adicione à mistura.

Adicione as especiarias. Depois de ferver por 20 minutos, desligue o fogo e deixe esfriar um pouco. Em seguida, amasse a massa até ficar cremosa, adicione alguns flocos de aveia e farinha! Forme pequenos Bratlinge e frite em azeite na panela marrom dourado.
Muito delicado. Divirta-se experimentando.

Bom apetite

texto e fotos feitas por mim mesmo. Paz




veganer Burger

das ist mein Beitrag zum #veganenmittwoch, welcher einst von @heart-to-heart ins Leben gerufen wurde.


· Linsen
· Backpulver
· Prise Salz
· Pfeffer
· Kurmuka
· Zwiebeln
· Knoblauch
· Karotte
· Haferflocken
· Mehl
· Olivenöl
· Hefe
· Braunen Zucker
· Sojamilch


Zuerst den Teig für den Burger zubereiten.
Mehl, Prise Salz, braunen Zucker, Hefe, etwas Sojamilch und Öl zu einem Teig kneten und 1-3 Stunden stehen lassen. Dann kleine Bälle formen und in den Ofen bei 180 Grad goldbraun backen.

Währenddessen die Linsen kochen. Karotte klein schneiden, Zwiebel hacken und Knoblauch klein hacken. Dazu geben.

Gewürze hinzugeben. Nach 20 Minuten kochen den Herd ausmachen und etwas abkühlen lassen. Dann den Teig cremig bleiben pürieren, etwas Haferflocken Und Mehl dazu mischen! Kleine Bratlinge formen und in Olivenöl in die Pfanne goldbraun braten.
Sehr delikat. Viel Spaß beim ausprobieren.

Bon Appetit

Text und Bilder von mir gemacht. Peace


#blog #life #lifestyle #portugal #foodphotography #health #healthy #friends #burger #vegan #pt #vegan #community #lunch #dinner #alternative #recipes #rezept #foodporn #powerhousecreatives


I love vegan burgers indeed

Nice, maybe one day you try my creation and give me a feedback :)))

First I didn't understand what you mean...til I recognized your ronald post...I think he is a meat eater...;)

Probably yes .... but he´s a pretender ;)

mega lecker....

:) thaaaaanks <3

so tasty 💜 💜 💜

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