My weekly choice: Soup day a la B.A.G.G.A (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #tasteem5 years ago


The soup casper sends his greetings

Oh wait, I like soups, Kasper doesn't!
Soups are fine.
I can enjoy them in warm or cold weather.
During a walk with @AlohaToOm the other day we passed the BAGGA and since the small hunger came up, we went inside to get something to eat.
I was very excited when I saw the offer of soups in the bakery/ Cafeteria.
Clearly I was testing it.
Elisa tested it with me because they were vegan. Pawel tested with me the delicious cookies and the chocolate cake.

The prices are really cheap there, thumbs up, because you can get something very good for little money. The food is also good so far. As far as I have tasted it out they use qualitatively cheap ingredients, but for the price it is totally okay and I had already thought about it, because only a few restaurateurs use good ingredients at a reasonable price.
Besides soups and biscuits you can also buy various sandwiches and bakery products here.
The BAGGA is located directly in Ponta Delgada, Saõ Miguel/ Azores.
During a walk you can reach it very fast and you can use Wi-Fi for free.

Bon appetite

Text and Photos made by myself.

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O embalador de sopa manda cumprimentos...

Espera, eu gosto de sopas, o Kasper não gosta!
As sopas estão bem.
Posso apreciá-las em tempo quente ou frio.
Durante uma caminhada com @AlohaToOm no outro dia passamos pelo BAGGA e desde que a pequena fome surgiu, entramos para pegar algo para comer.
Fiquei muito animado quando vi a oferta de sopas na padaria/cafetaria.
Claramente eu estava testando.
Elisa testou comigo porque eles eram veganos. Pawel testou comigo os deliciosos biscoitos e o bolo de chocolate.

Os preços são realmente baratos lá, polegares para cima, porque você pode conseguir algo muito bom por pouco dinheiro. A comida também é boa até agora. Tanto quanto eu já provei, eles usam ingredientes qualitativamente baratos, mas pelo preço está tudo bem e eu já tinha pensado nisso, porque apenas alguns restaurantes usam bons ingredientes a um preço razoável.
Além de sopas e biscoitos você também pode comprar vários sanduíches e produtos de padaria aqui.
O BAGGA está localizado directamente em Ponta Delgada, São Miguel/ Açores.
Durante uma caminhada você pode alcançá-lo muito rápido e você pode usar Wi-Fi gratuitamente.
Bom apetite

Texto e fotos feitas por mim.

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Der Suppenkasper läßt grüßen

Obwohl, ich mag ja Suppen, der Kasper nicht!
Suppen sind was feines.
Ich kann diese bei warmen oder kalten Wetter genießen.
Bei einem Spaziergang mit @AlohaToOm letztens kamen wir am BAGGA vorbei und da der kleine Hunger kam, gingen wir rein, um uns etwas zum essen zu holen.
Ich war hellauf begeistert, als ich in der Bäckerei das Angebot von Suppen erblickte.
Ganz klar, dass ich diese testete.
Elisa testete mit mir, da diese vegan waren. Pawel testete mit mir die leckeren Kekse und den Schokokuchen.

Die Preise sind echt günstig dort, Daumen hoch, denn hiet bekommt man auch für wenig Geld etwas ganz gutes. Die Speisen sind auch soweit gut. Es werden soweit ich es raus geschmeckt habe qualitativ günstige Zutaten verwendet, doch für den Preis ist das total okay und ich hatte es mir auch schon gedacht, denn nur wenige Gastronomen verwenden gute Zutaten zu einem günstigen Preis.
Neben Suppen und Kekse kann man hier auch diverse Sandwiches und Backwaren kaufen.
Das BAGGA befindet sich direkt in Ponta Delgada, Saõ Miguel/ Azoren.
Bei einem Spaziergang kann man es sehr schnell erreichen und Wi-Fi kann man dort auch kostenfrei nutzen.

Bon Appetit

Text und Bilder von mir gemacht.

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Restaurant Information

R. dos Mercadores 100, 9500-092 Ponta Delgada, Portugal

My weekly choice: Soup day a la B.A.G.G.A (ENG/ PT/ DE)
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Your weekly choice

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I believe the seller's goal is to satisfy customers and not necessarily to make huge profit that's why they sold at cheaper price while still maintaining higher quality.

Thanks for sharing...

Posted using Partiko Android

I like your way of looking at things. :)

Delicious. I read several of your reviews. You're good and you always make me hungry :)

Thanks my dear :))) its a pleasure to awake your Appetit ;)

i wish i can visit portugal in future.


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