A hero was born (ENG/ PT/ DE)


From old to new

Why always throw away old things when you can change, transform and enhance them?
Something like that should have happened to Steemit, but in my power was only to redesign this toy doll of a little lady.
Since various superhero cartoons are fashion and hip, this doll should become a little bit more freaky.
To get a slightly combative ninja girl look.
You can tell me with pleasure whether I have this successful. I'm looking forward to your feedback.

The work involved 6 hours with breaks.
Equipment were the things you can see on the pictures.
Costs were 6,50€.
The smile and bright eyes of a child: UNTABLE!

I hope I was able to inspire and motivate you to more creative, recycling ideas.

Your @LotusFleur

Text and photos made by myself.





Do velho ao novo

Por que sempre jogar fora coisas velhas quando você pode mudá-las, transformá-las e melhorá-las?
Algo assim deveria ter acontecido com Steemit, mas em meu poder estava apenas redesenhar essa boneca de brinquedo de uma pequena senhora.
Como vários desenhos animados de super-heróis são fashion e hip, essa boneca deve se tornar um pouco mais esquisita.
Para obter um olhar um pouco combativo ninja menina ninja.
Você pode me dizer com prazer se eu tenho este sucesso. Eu estou ansioso para o seu feedback.

O trabalho envolveu 6 horas com intervalos.
Equipamentos foram as coisas que você pode ver nas fotos.
Os custos foram de 6,50€.
O sorriso e os olhos brilhantes de uma criança: INTÁVEL!

Espero ter sido capaz de vos inspirar e motivar para ideias mais criativas e recicladas.

Seu @LotusFleur

Texto e fotos feitas por mim mesmo.




Aus alt wird neu

Warum immer alte Sachen wegschmeißen, wenn man diese verändern, transformieren und aufwerten kann?
So was un der Art sollte auf mit Steemit geschehen, doch in meiner Macht war nur, diese Spielzeug Puppe einer kleinen Dame neu zu gestalten.
Da grad diverse Superhelden Cartoons im Trend liegen, sollte diese Puppe etwas freakig werden.
Einen leicht kämpferischen Ninja Mädchen Look bekommen.
Ihr könnt mir ja gern sagen, ob mir dieses gelungenen ist. Bin auf euer Feedback gespannt.

Der Arbeitsaufwand umfasste 6 Stunden mit Pausen.
Equipement waren die Dinge, welche auf den Bildern zu sehen sind.
Kosten lagen bei 6,50€.
Das Lächeln und strahlende Augen eines Kindes: UNBEZAHLBAR!

Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch zu mehr kreativen, Recycling Ideen inspirieren und motivieren.

Eure @LotusFleur

Text und Fotos selber gemacht.


#theluvbug #life #Inspiration #awareness #writings #recycling #community #oldisnew #recycled #doll #craft #crafting


Das Lächeln und strahlende Augen eines Kindes: UNBEZAHLBAR!

Dafür lohnt sich jeder Aufwand. Successful! LG Kadna

Nice Recycling. Great work. We can save our abandoned product by recycling.

Awesome idea and totally love your images, but it ain't a #naturalmedicine post, he he xx

Hey thanks. Yeah, true. I was not really sure if I am allowed to use this tag or not. It alternative so I tried....;)
I will create aome more because now the friends of the kid I babysit are asking....

Danke für deinen Beitrag. Eine vor allem glückliche Woche wünsch ich dir

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