How To Lose Weight Through Self Reliance

in #weightloss3 years ago

Are you trying to lose weight? If so, you're probably battling with food cravings on a daily basis. But cravings go hand-in-hand with a sense of need - an illusory feeling that you won't be able to get through your everyday commitments without that extra food. However, you have your own, natural resources to help you through the day, so put your faith in those, rather than in extra calories, and you'll do fine. With the simple steps below, you can rediscover your inbuilt coping powers and say goodbye to those food cravings. 

Recognize your natural strengths 

lose weight with discipline

No one is perfect, we all need a hand sometimes!

Using a natural "carb blocker" can help you process and eliminate carbohydrates and prevent them from being stored away in fat cells. Check out this natural and effective carb blocker!

Here are just some of the natural powers and resources you possess. Put your faith in them, and in all your other abilities, and they'll see you through whatever eventualities life may bring. 


This is a great resource to draw on when you need drive. Give yourself a little challenge and feel your pulse quicken in response. If you have some emails to write or some housework to do, for instance, set yourself a time limit for the task; the challenge will energize you without the help of extra calories. 


This will also help you through your chores and commitments. Do what you can to make your work enjoyable and satisfying. Take an interest in it, if you can, and aim for a high standard of work that you can feel proud of. Some rhythmic music may help, too, or a chat with friends perhaps. With all these spurs, you won't need extra food to help you along. 


Your brain offers you invaluable support, so don't underestimate it. If you have a problem to resolve, for instance, you're likely to need your brain more than your body. Brains need oxygen and a regular blood supply, rather than extra cakes and crisps, so stimulate yours with a little fresh air and exercise, then relax and let it work for you. 

Nutritional reserves

Your body fat, blood sugars and other stored nutrients will empower you as you need. Some elements will provide energy, while others ensure your physical and mental capacities. It makes sense, therefore, to use these natural stores, rather than building more with extra food intakes.   


Relaxation will also energize you. If you're struggling to get through an activity, take a short break when possible and sit or lie completely still. If feasible, put your feet up to aid circulation and close your eyes to calm your mind. Relax your muscles from head to toe, then take some deep breaths to revitalize your lungs. A brief, intense rest like this will revive you wonderfully, so you won't need an energizing snack. 

Ready to take your weight loss to the next level?

Check out this amazing 3 part weight loss system developed to the highest standards with one thing in mind, your health!

Hold back on snacks for increasing time spans 

Not snacking is hard

Next time you're having an easy day, test out the powers of your natural resources. Walk away from your kitchen and other food storage places and try coping till the next mealtime without a snack. If you decide to go out, leave all your money at home so you can't purchase any extra food if tempted. This strategy will ensure you rely entirely on your own coping provisions, such as your brain, nutritional reserves and zest for life. Practice the procedure at every opportunity, extending it as and when you can. 

Repeat in more challenging circumstances 

When you've built up some trust in your own coping resources, try relying on them at busy or stressful times as well as on easier days. The harder the challenge, the more you'll have to draw on your own capabilities, but you'll be surprised how well they work for you when you let them. 

Believe In Yourself!

Self-belief is at the heart of dietary control. When you rediscover your own amazing strengths and talents, you'll find you don't need excess calories to help you through life's ups and downs. You'll enjoy the occasional treat all the more for knowing you could manage without it - and you'll like your slimmer figure, too. 

believe in yourself How To Lose Weight Through Self Reliance

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